Customer value, satisfaction, loyalty, and switching costs: an illustration from a business-to-business service context SY Lam, V Shankar, MK Erramilli, B Murthy Journal of the academy of marketing science 32 (3), 293-311, 2004 | 3276 | 2004 |
Service firms’ international entry-mode choice: A modified transaction-cost analysis approach MK Erramilli, CP Rao Journal of marketing 57 (3), 19-38, 1993 | 2358 | 1993 |
The experience factor in foreign market entry behavior of service firms MK Erramilli Journal of international business studies 22 (3), 479-501, 1991 | 1491 | 1991 |
Market orientation and performance in service firms: role of innovation S Agarwal, M Krishna Erramilli, CS Dev Journal of services marketing 17 (1), 68-82, 2003 | 1179 | 2003 |
Choice of foreign market entry modes by service firms: role of market knowledge MK Erramilli, CP Rao MIR: Management International Review, 135-150, 1990 | 836 | 1990 |
Entry mode choice in service industries M Krishna Erramilli International marketing review 7 (5), 1990 | 696 | 1990 |
Resource-based explanation of entry mode choice VM Sharma, MK Erramilli Journal of Marketing theory and Practice 12 (1), 1-18, 2004 | 596 | 2004 |
Nationality and subsidiary ownership patterns in multinational corporations MK Erramilli Journal of International Business Studies 27, 225-248, 1996 | 480 | 1996 |
Choice between non-equity entry modes: an organizational capability perspective M Krishna Erramilli, S Agarwal, CS Dev Journal of international business studies 33, 223-242, 2002 | 450 | 2002 |
Are firm-specific advantages location-specific too? MK Erramilli, S Agarwal, SS Kim Journal of International Business Studies 28, 735-757, 1997 | 405 | 1997 |
Knowledge acquisition and performance of international joint ventures in the transition economy of Vietnam EWK Tsang, DT Nguyen, MK Erramilli Journal of International Marketing 12 (2), 82-103, 2004 | 261 | 2004 |
Venturing into foreign markets: The case of the small service firm MK Erramilli, DE D'Souza Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 17 (4), 29-41, 1993 | 254 | 1993 |
Uncertainty and foreign direct investment: the role of moderators M Krishna Erramilli, DE D′ Souza International Marketing Review 12 (3), 47-60, 1995 | 175 | 1995 |
Influence of some external and internal environmental factors on foreign market entry mode choice in service firms MK Erramilli Journal of Business Research 25 (4), 263-276, 1992 | 167 | 1992 |
The visual components of print advertising: A five-country cross-cultural analysis BD Cutler, RG Javalgi, MK Erramilli European Journal of Marketing 26 (4), 7-20, 1992 | 152 | 1992 |
Brands across borders: Determining factors in choosing franchising or management contracts for entering international markets CS Dev, MK Erramilli, S Agarwal Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 43 (6), 91-104, 2002 | 145 | 2002 |
Impact of domestic recession on export marketing behaviour CP Rao, M Krishna Erramilli, GK Ganesh International Marketing Review 7 (2), 1990 | 98 | 1990 |
Internationalization theory and Korean multinationals MK Erramilli, R Srivastava, SS Kim Asia Pacific Journal of Management 16, 29-45, 1999 | 94 | 1999 |
Acquisition of organizational capabilities and competitive advantage of IJVs in transition economies: The case of Vietnam W Zhan, R Chen, MK Erramilli, DT Nguyen Asia Pacific Journal of Management 26, 285-308, 2009 | 49 | 2009 |
International expansion of service firms: problems and strategies J Reardon, MK Erramilli, D Dsouza Journal of Professional Services Marketing 15 (1), 31-46, 1996 | 48 | 1996 |