Angela Vasanelli
Angela Vasanelli
Email yang diverifikasi di univ-paris-diderot.fr
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Room-temperature nine-µm-wavelength photodetectors and GHz-frequency heterodyne receivers
D Palaferri, Y Todorov, A Bigioli, A Mottaghizadeh, D Gacemi, ...
Nature 556 (7699), 85, 2018
Continuous absorption background and decoherence in quantum dots
A Vasanelli, R Ferreira, G Bastard
Physical review letters 89 (21), 216804, 2002
Electron scattering spectroscopy by a high magnetic field in quantum cascade lasers
A Leuliet, A Vasanelli, A Wade, G Fedorov, D Smirnov, G Bastard, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (8), 085311, 2006
Charge-induced coherence between intersubband plasmons in a quantum structure
A Delteil, A Vasanelli, Y Todorov, C Feuillet Palma, M Renaudat St-Jean, ...
Physical review letters 109 (24), 246808, 2012
Ultra-strong light–matter coupling for designer Reststrahlen band
B Askenazi, A Vasanelli, A Delteil, Y Todorov, LC Andreani, G Beaudoin, ...
New Journal of Physics 16 (4), 043029, 2014
Phonon sidebands in exciton and biexciton emission from single GaAs quantum dots
E Peter, J Hours, P Senellart, A Vasanelli, A Cavanna, J Bloch, JM Gérard
Physical Review B 69 (4), 041307, 2004
Strong near field enhancement in THz nano-antenna arrays
C Feuillet-Palma, Y Todorov, A Vasanelli, C Sirtori
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1361, 2013
Patch antenna terahertz photodetectors
D Palaferri, Y Todorov, YN Chen, J Madeo, A Vasanelli, LH Li, AG Davies, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (16), 2015
Electrically injected cavity polaritons
L Sapienza, A Vasanelli, R Colombelli, C Ciuti, Y Chassagneux, ...
Physical review letters 100 (13), 136806, 2008
Continuum transitions and phonon coupling in single self-assembled Stranski-Krastanow quantum dots
R Oulton, JJ Finley, AI Tartakovskii, DJ Mowbray, MS Skolnick, ...
Physical Review B 68 (23), 235301, 2003
Antenna-coupled microcavities for enhanced infrared photo-detection
Y Nga Chen, Y Todorov, B Askenazi, A Vasanelli, G Biasiol, R Colombelli, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (3), 2014
10 Gbit s−1 Free Space Data Transmission at 9 µm Wavelength With Unipolar Quantum Optoelectronics
H Dely, T Bonazzi, O Spitz, E Rodriguez, D Gacemi, Y Todorov, K Pantzas, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 16 (2), 2100414, 2022
Role of elastic scattering mechanisms in GaInAs∕ AlInAs quantum cascade lasers
A Vasanelli, A Leuliet, C Sirtori, A Wade, G Fedorov, D Smirnov, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (17), 2006
Superradiant emission from a collective excitation in a semiconductor
T Laurent, Y Todorov, A Vasanelli, A Delteil, C Sirtori, I Sagnes, ...
Physical review letters 115 (18), 187402, 2015
Coupling of a surface plasmon with localized subwavelength microcavity modes
P Jouy, Y Todorov, A Vasanelli, R Colombelli, I Sagnes, C Sirtori
Applied physics letters 98 (2), 2011
Influence of the material parameters on quantum cascade devices
E Benveniste, A Vasanelli, A Delteil, J Devenson, R Teissier, A Baranov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (13), 2008
Electron–longitudinal optical phonon interaction between Landau levels in semiconductor heterostructures
C Becker, A Vasanelli, C Sirtori, G Bastard
Physical Review B 69 (11), 115328, 2004
Transition from strong to ultrastrong coupling regime in mid-infrared metal-dielectric-metal cavities
P Jouy, A Vasanelli, Y Todorov, A Delteil, G Biasiol, L Sorba, C Sirtori
Applied Physics Letters 98 (23), 2011
Ultrastrong light–matter coupling in deeply subwavelength THz LC resonators
M Jeannin, G Mariotti Nesurini, S Suffit, D Gacemi, A Vasanelli, L Li, ...
ACS photonics 6 (5), 1207-1215, 2019
Extremely sub-wavelength THz metal-dielectric wire microcavities
C Feuillet-Palma, Y Todorov, R Steed, A Vasanelli, G Biasiol, L Sorba, ...
Optics express 20 (27), 29121-29130, 2012
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