Dr. Nayomi Kankanamge
Dr. Nayomi Kankanamge
Lecturer in Urban Design and Town Planning, University of Sunshine Coast, Australia
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How are smart city concepts and technologies perceived and utilized? A systematic geo-Twitter analysis of smart cities in Australia
T Yigitcanlar, N Kankanamge, K Vella
Sustainable smart city transitions, 133-152, 2022
Determining disaster severity through social media analysis: Testing the methodology with South East Queensland Flood tweets
N Kankanamge, T Yigitcanlar, A Goonetilleke, M Kamruzzaman
International journal of disaster risk reduction 42, 101360, 2020
Artificial intelligence technologies and related urban planning and development concepts: How are they perceived and utilized in Australia?
T Yigitcanlar, N Kankanamge, M Regona, A Ruiz Maldonado, B Rowan, ...
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 6 (4), 187, 2020
Can volunteer crowdsourcing reduce disaster risk? A systematic review of the literature
N Kankanamge, T Yigitcanlar, A Goonetilleke, M Kamruzzaman
International journal of disaster risk reduction 35, 101097, 2019
How engaging are disaster management related social media channels? The case of Australian state emergency organisations
N Kankanamge, T Yigitcanlar, A Goonetilleke
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 48, 101571, 2020
How can social media analytics assist authorities in pandemic-related policy decisions? Insights from Australian states and territories
T Yigitcanlar, N Kankanamge, A Preston, PS Gill, M Rezayee, M Ostadnia, ...
Health Information Science and Systems 8, 1-21, 2020
Public perceptions on artificial intelligence driven disaster management: Evidence from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane
N Kankanamge, T Yigitcanlar, A Goonetilleke
Telematics and Informatics 65, 101729, 2021
Detecting natural hazard-related disaster impacts with social media analytics: the case of Australian states and territories
T Yigitcanlar, M Regona, N Kankanamge, R Mehmood, J D’Costa, ...
Sustainability 14 (2), 810, 2022
How can gamification be incorporated into disaster emergency planning? A systematic review of the literature
N Kankanamge, T Yigitcanlar, A Goonetilleke, M Kamruzzaman
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 11 (4 …, 2020
Smart cities down under: Performance of Australian local government areas
T Yigitcanlar, N Kankanamge, L Butler, K Vella, KC Desouza
Queensland University of Technology, 2020
Pandemic vulnerability knowledge visualisation for strategic decision-making: a COVID-19 index for government response in Australia
T Yigitcanlar, N Kankanamge, T Inkinen, L Butler, A Preston, M Rezayee, ...
Management decision 60 (4), 893-915, 2022
Gamifying community education for enhanced disaster resilience: An effectiveness testing study from Australia
N Kankanamge, T Yigitcanlar, A Goonetilleke
Future Internet 14 (6), 179, 2022
Image of a City through Big Data Analytics: Colombo from the Lens of Geo-Coded Social Media Data
S Abesinghe, N Kankanamge, T Yigitcanlar, S Pancholi
Future Internet 15 (1), 32, 2023
Multisource open geospatial big data fusion: Application of the method to demarcate urban agglomeration footprints
N Priyashani, N Kankanamge, T Yigitcanlar
Land 12 (2), 407, 2023
Imageability and Legibility: Cognitive Analysis and Visiblity Assessment in Galle Heritage City
T Abeynayake, L Meetiyagoda, N Kankanamge, PKS Mahanama
Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 46 (2), 126-136, 2022
Urban Analytics with Social Media Data: Foundations, Applications and Platforms
T Yigitcanlar, N Kankanamge
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2022
Opportunities and challenges of and perceptions on digital technology-driven innovative disaster management approaches
RNE Hewa Heliyagoda Kankanamge
Queensland University of Technology, 2021
Smart city or not? Now you can see how yours compares
T Yigitcanlar, K Vella, KC Desouza, L Butler, N Kankanamge
The Conversation 5, 2020
Social media analytics platforms
T Yigitcanlar, N Kankanamge
Urban Analytics with Social Media Data, 231-274, 2022
Social Media Analytics in Pandemic Policy
T Yigitcanlar, N Kankanamge
Urban Analytics with Social Media Data, 143-174, 2022
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