Ziv Mor
Ziv Mor
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Effect of water surface salinity on evaporation: The case of a diluted buoyant plume over the Dead Sea
Z Mor, S Assouline, J Tanny, IM Lensky, NG Lensky
Water Resources Research 54 (3), 1460-1475, 2018
Seasonal and diurnal evaporation from a deep hypersaline lake: The Dead Sea as a case study
I Hamdani, S Assouline, J Tanny, IM Lensky, I Gertman, Z Mor, NG Lensky
Journal of Hydrology 562, 155-167, 2018
Sedimentology and stratigraphy of a modern halite sequence formed under Dead Sea level fall
I Sirota, Y Enzel, Z Mor, L Ben Moshe, H Eyal, TK Lowenstein, NG Lensky
Sedimentology 68 (3), 1069-1090, 2021
Combined LA-ICP-MS and cryo-SEM-EDS: An improved technique for quantitative analysis of major, minor, and trace elements in fluid inclusions in halite
MF Weldeghebriel, TK Lowenstein, J García-Veigas, D Collins, E Sendula, ...
Chemical Geology 551, 119762, 2020
Hydroclimatic controls on salt fluxes and halite deposition in the Dead Sea and the shaping of “salt giants”
I Sirota, R Ouillon, Z Mor, E Meiburg, Y Enzel, A Arnon, NG Lensky
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (22), e2020GL090836, 2020
Criteria for the recognition of clastic halite: The modern Dead Sea shoreline
TK Lowenstein, MF Weldeghebriel, I Sirota, H Eyal, Z Mor, NG Lensky
Sedimentology 68 (6), 2253-2269, 2021
Hydrostatic densitometer for monitoring density in freshwater to hypersaline water bodies
Z Mor, H Lutzky, E Shalev, NG Lensky
Water 13 (13), 1842, 2021
Hourly to weekly variations in halite precipitation from the hypersaline Dead Sea: The role of evaporation, water cooling and freshwater plume stability
Z Mor, G Noy, H Eyal, I Sirota, R Ezraty, E Morin, NG Lensky
Sedimentology 71 (7), 2378-2403, 2024
Century‐scale sequences and density‐flow deltas of the late Holocene and modern Dead Sea coast, Israel
MG Moran, J Holbrook, NG Lensky, L Ben Moshe, Z Mor, H Eyal, Y Enzel
Sedimentology 70 (6), 1945-1980, 2023
Lorentzian Filter Correction of Turbulence Measurements on Oscillating Floating Platforms: Impact on Wind Spectra and Eddy‐Covariance Fluxes
R Ezraty, Z Mor, R Bodzin, S Assouline, J Tanny, G Fratini, F Griessbaum, ...
Water Resources Research 57 (2), e2020WR027583, 2021
Air-Water Interactions Along the Dead Sea Rift
NG Lensky, S Abir, G Tau, H McGowan, Z Mor
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-16933, 2023
The Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of AN Annually-Resolved 20TH Century Halite Sequence Accumulated Under Dead Sea Level Fall
Y Enzel, I Sirota, Z Mor, L Ben Moshe, H Eyal, T Lowenstein, NG Lensky
Geological Society of America Abstracts 55, 390211, 2023
Does Sequence Stratigraphy have the Resolution to Serve as a Century-Scale Climate Proxy? Confirmation of Century-Scale'micro'Sequences in the Holocene of the Dead Sea, Israel
J M Holbrook, MG Moran, NG Lensky, L Ben Moshe, Z Mor, H Eyal, ...
Geological Society of America Abstracts 55, 395794, 2023
Coupling Halite Deposition in the Dead Sea to Environmental Conditions
M Weldeghebriel, T Lowenstein, N Lensky, H Eyal, Z Mor, I Sirota
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, PP15C-0920, 2021
Evaporation, Gas, and Heat Exchange over Inland Waters Under Climate and Anthropogenic Changes: New Insights from Direct Measurements and Modeling Posters
NG Lensky, H Liu, Z Mor, S Assouline
AGU Fall Meeting 2018, 2018
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