Carl Watras
Carl Watras
Center for Limnology
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Bioaccumulation of mercury in pelagic freshwater food webs
CJ Watras, RC Back, S Halvorsen, RJM Hudson, KA Morrison, SP Wente
Science of the Total Environment 219 (2-3), 183-208, 1998
Mercury and methylmercury, in individual zooplankton: Implications for bioaccumulation
CJ Watras, NS Bloom
Limnology and Oceanography 37 (6), 1313-1318, 1992
Importance of life cycle events in the population dynamics of Gonyaulax tamarensis
DM Anderson, SW Chisholm, CJ Watras
Marine Biology 76, 179-189, 1983
Concentration of mercury species in relationship to other site‐specific factors in the surface waters of northern Wisconsin lakes
CJ Watras, KA Morrison, JS Host, NS Bloom
Limnology and Oceanography 40 (3), 556-565, 1995
Mercury pollution: Integration and Synthesis
CJ Watras, JW Huckabee
Integration and Synthesis, 727, 1994
Modeling the biogeochemical cycle of mercury in lakes: The mercury cycling model (MCM) and its application to the MTL study lakes
SA Gherini, RJ Hudson, CJ Watras, DB Porcella
Mercury pollution intergration and synthesis, 473-522, 1994
Microbial mercury methylation in aquatic environments: a critical review of published field and laboratory studies
O Regnell, CJ Watras
Environmental science & technology 53 (1), 4-19, 2018
Sources and fates of mercury and methylmercury in Wisconsin lakes
CJ Watras, NS Bloom, RJ Hudson, S Gherioni, R Munson, JP Hurley, ...
Mercury pollution intergration and synthesis, 153-177, 1994
Observations of methylmercury in precipitation
NS Bloom, CJ Watras
Science of the Total Environment 87, 199-207, 1989
Impact of acidification on the methylmercury cycle of remote seepage lakes
NS Bloom, CJ Watras, JP Hurley
Water Air & Soil Pollution 56, 477-491, 1991
Mercury in surficial waters of rural Wisconsin lakes
WF Fitzgerald, CJ Watras
Science of the total Environment 87, 223-232, 1989
The effect of zooplankton grazing on estuarine blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Gonyaulax tamarensis
CJ Watras, VC Garcon, RJ Olson, SW Chisholm, DM Anderson
Journal of plankton research 7 (6), 891-908, 1985
Mercury methylation in macrophytes, periphyton, and water–comparative studies with stable and radio-mercury additions
J Mauro, J Guimaraes, H Hintelmann, C Watras, E Haack, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 374, 983-989, 2002
Comparisons between experimentally-and atmospherically-acidified lakes during stress and recovery
DW Schindler, TM Frost, KH Mills, PSS Chang, IJ Davies, L Findlay, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section B: Biological …, 1990
Methylmercury production in the anoxic hypolimnion of a dimictic seepage lake
CJ Watras, NS Bloom, SA Claas, KA Morrison, CC Gilmour, SR Craig
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 80, 735-745, 1995
A temperature compensation method for CDOM fluorescence sensors in freshwater
CJ Watras, PC Hanson, TL Stacy, KM Morrison, J Mather, YH Hu, ...
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 9 (7), 296-301, 2011
Partitioning and bioavailability of mercury in an experimentally acidified Wisconsin lake
JG Wiener, WF Fitzgerald, CJ Watras, RG Rada
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 9 (7), 909-918, 1990
Mercury methylation in the hypolimnetic waters of lakes with and without connection to wetlands in northern Wisconsin
CS Eckley, CJ Watras, H Hintelmann, K Morrison, AD Kent, O Regnell
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62 (2), 400-411, 2005
Recent declines in mercury concentration in a freshwater fishery: isolating the effects of de-acidification and decreased atmospheric mercury deposition in Little Rock Lake
TR Hrabik, CJ Watras
Science of the Total Environment 297 (1-3), 229-237, 2002
Regulation of growth in an estuarine clone of Gonyaulax tam arensis Lebour: Salinity-dependent temperature responses
CJ Watras, SW Chisholm, DM Anderson
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 62 (1), 25-37, 1982
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