Peter Capak
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The cosmic evolution survey (COSMOS): overview
N Scoville, H Aussel, M Brusa, P Capak, CM Carollo, M Elvis, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 172 (1), 1, 2007
A highly consistent framework for the evolution of the star-forming “main sequence” from z∼ 0–6
JS Speagle, CL Steinhardt, PL Capak, JD Silverman
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 214 (2), 15, 2014
Cosmos photometric redshifts with 30-bands for 2-deg2
O Ilbert, P Capak, M Salvato, H Aussel, HJ McCracken, DB Sanders, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 690 (2), 1236, 2008
The COSMOS2015 Catalog: Exploring the 1< z< 6 Universe with half a million galaxies
C Laigle, HJ McCracken, O Ilbert, BC Hsieh, I Davidzon, P Capak, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 224 (2), 24, 2016
zCOSMOS: a large VLT/VIMOS redshift survey covering 0< z< 3 in the COSMOS field
SJ Lilly, O Le Fèvre, A Renzini, G Zamorani, M Scodeggio, T Contini, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 172 (1), 70, 2007
The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP survey: overview and survey design
H Aihara, N Arimoto, R Armstrong, S Arnouts, NA Bahcall, S Bickerton, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 70 (SP1), S4, 2018
Mass assembly in quiescent and star-forming galaxies since z≃ 4 from UltraVISTA
O Ilbert, HJ McCracken, O Le Fèvre, P Capak, J Dunlop, A Karim, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 556, A55, 2013
The first release COSMOS optical and near-IR data and catalog
P Capak, H Aussel, M Ajiki, HJ McCracken, B Mobasher, N Scoville, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 172 (1), 99, 2007
Galaxy stellar mass assembly between 0.2< z< 2 from the S-COSMOS survey
O Ilbert, M Salvato, E Le Floc'h, H Aussel, P Capak, HJ McCracken, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 709 (2), 644, 2010
The cosmos survey: Hubble space telescope advanced camera for surveys observations and data processing
AM Koekemoer, H Aussel, D Calzetti, P Capak, M Giavalisco, JP Kneib, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 172 (1), 196, 2007
Identifying luminous active galactic nuclei in deep surveys: revised IRAC selection criteria
JL Donley, AM Koekemoer, M Brusa, P Capak, CN Cardamone, F Civano, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 748 (2), 142, 2012
S-COSMOS: The Spitzer legacy survey of the Hubble Space Telescope ACS 2 deg2 COSMOS field I: survey strategy and first analysis
DB Sanders, M Salvato, H Aussel, O Ilbert, N Scoville, JA Surace, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 172 (1), 86, 2007
The zCOSMOS 10k-bright spectroscopic sample
SJ Lilly, V Le Brun, C Maier, V Mainieri, M Mignoli, M Scodeggio, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 184 (2), 218, 2009
The Frontier Fields: survey design and initial results
JM Lotz, A Koekemoer, D Coe, N Grogin, P Capak, J Mack, J Anderson, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 837 (1), 97, 2017
The Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies ()
K Sheth, M Regan, JL Hinz, AG De Paz, K Menéndez-Delmestre, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 122 (898), 1397, 2010
Wide-field infrarred survey telescope-astrophysics focused telescope assets WFIRST-AFTA 2015 report
D Spergel, N Gehrels, C Baltay, D Bennett, J Breckinridge, M Donahue, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.03757, 2015
New constraints on the evolution of the stellar-to-dark matter connection: a combined analysis of galaxy–galaxy lensing, clustering, and stellar mass functions from z= 0.2 to z= 1
A Leauthaud, J Tinker, K Bundy, PS Behroozi, R Massey, J Rhodes, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 744 (2), 159, 2011
COSMOS: Hubble space telescope observations
N Scoville, RG Abraham, H Aussel, JE Barnes, A Benson, AW Blain, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 172 (1), 38, 2007
The Chandra COSMOS survey. I. Overview and point source catalog
M Elvis, F Civano, C Vignali, S Puccetti, F Fiore, N Cappelluti, TL Aldcroft, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 184 (1), 158, 2009
The cosmic evolution of hard X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei
AJ Barger, LL Cowie, RF Mushotzky, Y Yang, WH Wang, AT Steffen, ...
The Astronomical Journal 129 (2), 578, 2005
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