Andrew Simon
Andrew Simon
Senior Consultant/ Geomorphologist, Cardno ENTRIX
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Quantifying the mechanical and hydrologic effects of riparian vegetation on streambank stability
A Simon, AJC Collison
Earth surface processes and landforms 27 (5), 527-546, 2002
Estimating the mechanical effects of riparian vegetation on stream bank stability using a fiber bundle model
N Pollen, A Simon
Water Resources Research 41 (7), 2005
Bank and near-bank processes in an incised channel
A Simon, A Curini, SE Darby, EJ Langendoen
Geomorphology 35 (3-4), 193-217, 2000
A model of channel response in disturbed alluvial channels
A Simon
Earth surface processes and landforms 14 (1), 11-26, 1989
Erodibility of cohesive streambeds in the loess area of the midwestern USA
GJ Hanson, A Simon
Hydrological processes 15 (1), 23-38, 2001
A rainfall intensity-duration threshold for landslides in a humid-tropical environment, Puerto Rico
MC Larsen, A Simon
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 75 (1-2), 13-23, 1993
Disturbance, stream incision, and channel evolution: The roles of excess transport capacity and boundary materials in controlling channel response
A Simon, M Rinaldi
Geomorphology 79 (3-4), 361-383, 2006
Design for stream restoration
FD Shields Jr, RR Copeland, PC Klingeman, MW Doyle, A Simon
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 129 (8), 575-584, 2003
Combination of Trichoderma koningii with fluorescent Pseudomonas for control of take-all on wheat.
BK Duffy, A Simon, DM Weller
Hydrologic and hydraulic effects of riparian root networks on streambank stability: Is mechanical root-reinforcement the whole story?
N Pollen-Bankhead, A Simon
Geomorphology 116 (3-4), 353-362, 2010
Reservoir effects on downstream river channel migration
FD Shields Jr, A Simon, LJ Steffen
Environmental Conservation 27 (1), 54-66, 2000
Critical evaluation of how the Rosgen classification and associated “natural channel design” methods fail to integrate and quantify fluvial processes and channel response 1
A Simon, M Doyle, M Kondolf, FD Shields Jr, B Rhoads, M McPhillips
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43 (5), 1117-1131, 2007
Modeling the evolution of incised streams. II: Streambank erosion
EJ Langendoen, A Simon
Journal of hydraulic engineering 134 (7), 905-915, 2008
Measuring streambank erosion due to ground water seepage: correlation to bank pore water pressure, precipitation and stream stage
GA Fox, GV Wilson, A Simon, EJ Langendoen, O Akay, JW Fuchs
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2007
Energy, time, and channel evolution in catastrophically disturbed fluvial systems
A Simon
Geomorphology 5 (3-5), 345-372, 1992
Suspended-sediment transport rates at the 1.5-year recurrence interval for ecoregions of the United States: Transport conditions at the bankfull and effective discharge?
A Simon, W Dickerson, A Heins
Geomorphology 58 (1-4), 243-262, 2004
Streambank mechanics and the role of bank and near-bank processes in incised channels
A Simon, A Curini, SE Darby, EJ Langendoen
Incised river channels 1 (999), 123-152, 1999
Bed-level adjustments in the Arno River, central Italy
M Rinaldi, A Simon
Geomorphology 22 (1), 57-71, 1998
Channel evolution in modified Tennessee channels
A Simon, CR Hupp
Proceedings of the Fourth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference March …, 1986
Geomorphic and vegetative recovery processes along modified stream channels of West Tennessee
A Simon, CR Hupp
Open-File Report, 1992
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