Dilip Asthagiri
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Long range interactions in nanoscale science
RH French, VA Parsegian, R Podgornik, RF Rajter, A Jagota, J Luo, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (2), 1887-1944, 2010
Molecular origins of osmotic second virial coefficients of proteins
BL Neal, D Asthagiri, AM Lenhoff
Biophysical journal 75 (5), 2469-2477, 1998
Why is the osmotic second virial coefficient related to protein crystallization?
BL Neal, D Asthagiri, OD Velev, AM Lenhoff, EW Kaler
Journal of Crystal Growth 196 (2-4), 377-387, 1999
Absolute hydration free energies of ions, ion–water clusters, and quasichemical theory
D Asthagiri, LR Pratt, HS Ashbaugh
The Journal of chemical physics 119 (5), 2702-2708, 2003
Hydration structure and free energy of biomolecularly specific aqueous dications, including Zn2+ and first transition row metals
D Asthagiri, LR Pratt, ME Paulaitis, SB Rempe
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (4), 1285-1289, 2004
Hydration and mobility of HO-(aq)
D Asthagiri, LR Pratt, JD Kress, MA Gomez
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (19), 7229-7233, 2004
Free energy of liquid water on the basis of quasichemical theory and ab initio molecular dynamics
D Asthagiri, LR Pratt, JD Kress
Physical Review E 68 (4), 041505, 2003
Surface-dependent conformations of human fibrinogen observed by atomic force microscopy under aqueous conditions
PS Sit, RE Marchant
Thrombosis and haemostasis 82 (09), 1053-1060, 1999
Influence of structural details in modeling electrostatically driven protein adsorption
D Asthagiri, AM Lenhoff
Langmuir 13 (25), 6761-6768, 1997
Ab initio molecular dynamics and quasichemical study of H+ (aq)
D Asthagiri, LR Pratt, JD Kress
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (19), 6704-6708, 2005
Inner shell definition and absolute hydration free energy of K+(aq) on the basis of quasi-chemical theory and ab initio molecular dynamics
SB Rempe, D Asthagiri, LR Pratt
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 6 (8), 1966-1969, 2004
Breast cancer–specific miR signature unique to extracellular vesicles includes “microRNA-like” tRNA fragments
N Guzman, K Agarwal, D Asthagiri, L Yu, M Saji, MD Ringel, ME Paulaitis
Molecular Cancer Research 13 (5), 891-901, 2015
Ion selectivity from local configurations of ligands in solutions and ion channels
D Asthagiri, PD Dixit, S Merchant, ME Paulaitis, LR Pratt, SB Rempe, ...
Chemical physics letters 485 (1-3), 1-7, 2010
Molecular dynamics simulations of NMR relaxation and diffusion of bulk hydrocarbons and water
PM Singer, D Asthagiri, WG Chapman, GJ Hirasaki
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 277, 15-24, 2017
Pressure denaturation of staphylococcal nuclease studied by neutron small-angle scattering and molecular simulation
A Paliwal, D Asthagiri, DP Bossev, ME Paulaitis
Biophysical journal 87 (5), 3479-3492, 2004
Role of attractive methane-water interactions in the potential of mean force between methane molecules in water
D Asthagiri, S Merchant, LR Pratt
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (24), 2008
The hydration state of HO−(aq)
D Asthagiri, LR Pratt, JD Kress, MA Gomez
Chemical physics letters 380 (5-6), 530-535, 2003
Light-scattering studies of protein solutions: role of hydration in weak protein-protein interactions
A Paliwal, D Asthagiri, D Abras, AM Lenhoff, ME Paulaitis
Biophysical journal 89 (3), 1564-1573, 2005
Quasi-chemical study of Be2+ (aq) speciation
D Asthagiri, LR Pratt
Chemical physics letters 371 (5-6), 613-619, 2003
Hydration of krypton and consideration of clathrate models of hydrophobic effects from the perspective of quasi-chemical theory
HS Ashbaugh, D Asthagiri, LR Pratt, SB Rempe
Biophysical chemistry 105 (2-3), 323-338, 2003
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