Willy Morscheidt
Willy Morscheidt
Responsable équipe TICE , Mines ParisTech
Email yang diverifikasi di mines-paristech.fr
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Stable plasma polymerized acrylic acid coating deposited on polyethylene (PE) films in a low frequency discharge (70 kHz)
R Jafari, M Tatoulian, W Morscheidt, F Arefi-Khonsari
Reactive and functional polymers 66 (12), 1757-1765, 2006
Numerical modeling of capacitively coupled hydrogen plasmas: Effects of frequency and pressure
T Novikova, B Kalache, P Bulkin, K Hassouni, W Morscheidt, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 93 (6), 3198-3206, 2003
Optical detection of the spin transition by reflectivity: application to
W Morscheidt, J Jeftic, E Codjovi, J Linares, A Bousseksou, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 9 (8), 1311, 1998
Investigation of coupling between chemistry and discharge dynamics in radio frequency hydrogen plasmas in the Torr regime
B Kalache, T Novikova, AF i Morral, PR i Cabarrocas, W Morscheidt, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 37 (13), 1765, 2004
Threshold ionization mass spectrometry study of singlet molecular oxygen in the deposition of SnO2 by PACVD
J Pulpytel, F Arefi-Khonsari, W Morscheidt
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 (9), 1390, 2005
Probe diagnostics of argon-oxygen-tetramethyltin capacitively coupled plasmas for the deposition of tin oxide thin films
J Pulpytel, W Morscheidt, F Arefi-Khonsari
Journal of applied physics 101 (7), 2007
On the use of global kinetics models for the investigation of energy deposition and chemistry in RF argon–oxygen plasmas working in the torr regime
W Morscheidt, K Hassouni, N Bauduin, F Arefi-Khonsari, J Amouroux
Plasma chemistry and plasma processing 23, 117-140, 2003
ICMM’98 Seignosse, France
E Codjovi, W Morscheidt, J Jeftic, J Linares, M Nogues, A Goujon, ...
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol., Sect. A 335, 1295, 1999
Fluid and kinetic models of the low temperature H2 plasma produced by a radio-frequency reactor
P Diomede, A Michau, M Redolfi, W Morscheidt, K Hassouni, S Longo, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (10), 2008
Pollution of the Rhine River: An introduction to numerical modelling
W Morscheidt, S Cavadias, F Rousseau, B Da Silva
Education for Chemical Engineers 8 (4), e119-e123, 2013
Controlled Oxidation of Alkyl Monolayers Grafted onto Flat Si (111) in an Oxygen Plasma of Low Power Density
D Aureau, W Morscheidt, A Etcheberry, J Vigneron, F Ozanam, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (32), 14418-14428, 2009
Computational methods for fundamental studies of plasma processes
N Ning, G Dolgonos, W Morscheidt, A Michau, K Hassouni, H Vach
AIP Conference Proceedings 963 (1), 224-249, 2007
Modelling and experimental study of an O2/Ar/tetramethyltin discharge used for the deposition of transparent conductive thin tin oxide films
W Morscheidt, K Hassouni, F Arefi-Khonsari, J Amouroux
Thin solid films 427 (1-2), 219-224, 2003
Simultaneous reflectivity and magnetic measurements on photomagnetic solids: Spin-crossover solids and a Prussian blue analogue
E Codjovi, W Morscheidt, J Jeftic, J Linares, M Nogues, A Goujon, ...
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A …, 1999
Modélisation d'un réacteur RF à couplage capacitif en mélange Ar-O2 dans les conditions utilisées pour le procédé de dépôt par voie plasma d'oxyde d'étain
W Morscheidt
Université Pierre et Marie Curie ( UPMC), 2002
Etude des couplages entre transport, chimie et transfert d'énergie dans les plasmas de décharge
A Bourdon, K Hassouni, W Morscheidt, GJM Hagelaar, S Longo, ...
Plasmas Froids Cinétique, Transport et Transferts, 1-57, 2006
Development of a high mass-transfer dielectric barrier discharge reactor dedicated to the degradation of persistent organic pollutants in water
O Lesage, JM Commenges, W Morscheidt, X Duten, M Tatoulian, ...
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, ET3. 002, 2013
Introduction à la simulation numérique: étude de la pollution du Rhin
W Morscheidt, S Cavadias
26e Journées de l'Innovation et de la Recherche pour l'Enseignement de la Chimie, 2010
Progress in the simulation of hydrogen RF discharge plasmas
P Diomede, A Michau, W Morscheidt, K Hassouni, S Longo, M Capitelli
On teaching Chemical Engineering reactors using Scilab, Hysys-Aspen and Comsol.
W Morscheidt, M Moscosa, C Guyon, F Rousseau, S Cavadias
Proceedings of Conférence COMSOL 2007 Presented at the Conférence COMSOL, 2007
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