hilaire stephane
hilaire stephane
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RIPL–reference input parameter library for calculation of nuclear reactions and nuclear data evaluations
R Capote, M Herman, P Obložinský, PG Young, S Goriely, T Belgya, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 110 (12), 3107-3214, 2009
AJ Koning, S Hilaire, MC Duijvestijn
International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 211-214, 2007
The joint evaluated fission and fusion nuclear data library, JEFF-3.3
AJM Plompen, O Cabellos, C de Saint Jean, M Fleming, A Algora, ...
The European Physical Journal A 56, 1-108, 2020
Improved microscopic nuclear level densities within the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov plus combinatorial method
S Goriely, S Hilaire, AJ Koning
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 78 (6), 064307, 2008
First gogny-hartree-fock-bogoliubov nuclear mass model
S Goriely, S Hilaire, M Girod, S Péru
Physical review letters 102 (24), 242501, 2009
Structure of even-even nuclei using a mapped collective Hamiltonian and the D1S Gogny interaction
JP Delaroche, M Girod, J Libert, H Goutte, S Hilaire, S Péru, N Pillet, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 81 (1), 014303, 2010
TALYS: Comprehensive nuclear reaction modeling
AJ Koning, S Hilaire, MC Duijvestijn
AIP Conference Proceedings 769 (1), 1154-1159, 2005
Global and local level density models
AJ Koning, S Hilaire, S Goriely
Nuclear Physics A 810 (1-4), 13-76, 2008
Temperature-dependent combinatorial level densities with the D1M Gogny force
S Hilaire, M Girod, S Goriely, AJ Koning
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 86 (6), 064317, 2012
Improved predictions of nuclear reaction rates with the TALYS reaction code for astrophysical applications
S Goriely, S Hilaire, AJ Koning
Astronomy & Astrophysics 487 (2), 767-774, 2008
Large-scale mean-field calculations from proton to neutron drip lines using the D1S Gogny force
S Hilaire, M Girod
The European Physical Journal A 33, 237-241, 2007
Talys-1.6 a nuclear reaction program
A Koning, S Hilaire, S Goriely
User Manual, NRG, The Netherlands, 2013
Global microscopic nuclear level densities within the HFB plus combinatorial method for practical applications
S Hilaire, S Goriely
Nuclear Physics A 779, 63-81, 2006
Towards a new Gogny force parameterization: Impact of the neutron matter equation of state
F Chappert, M Girod, S Hilaire
Physics Letters B 668 (5), 420-424, 2008
New Fission Fragment Distributions and -Process Origin of the Rare-Earth Elements
S Goriely, JL Sida, JF Lemaître, S Panebianco, N Dubray, S Hilaire, ...
Physical Review Letters 111 (24), 242502, 2013
Towards a prediction of fission cross sections on the basis of microscopic nuclear inputs
S Goriely, S Hilaire, AJ Koning, M Sin, R Capote
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 79 (2), 024612, 2009
Photodisintegration of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays revisited
E Khan, S Goriely, D Allard, E Parizot, T Suomijärvi, AJ Koning, S Hilaire, ...
Astroparticle Physics 23 (2), 191-201, 2005
Gogny-HFB+ QRPA dipole strength function and its application to radiative nucleon capture cross section
S Goriely, S Hilaire, S Péru, K Sieja
Physical Review C 98 (1), 014327, 2018
TALYS: modeling of nuclear reactions
A Koning, S Hilaire, S Goriely
The European Physical Journal A 59 (6), 131, 2023
Reference database for photon strength functions
S Goriely, P Dimitriou, M Wiedeking, T Belgya, R Firestone, J Kopecky, ...
The European Physical Journal A 55, 1-52, 2019
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