Matthew Domonkos
Matthew Domonkos
Senior Director, Verus Research
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Evaluation of low-current orificed hollow cathodes
MT Domonkos
University of Michigan, 1999
Magneto-inertial fusion
GA Wurden, SC Hsu, TP Intrator, TC Grabowski, JH Degnan, ...
Journal of Fusion Energy 35, 69-77, 2016
Laser-induced fluorescence characterization of ions emitted from hollow cathodes
GJ Williams, TB Smith, MT Domonkos, AD Gallimore, RP Drake
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 28 (5), 1664-1675, 2000
Submicrosecond pulsed power capacitors based on novel ceramic technologies
MT Domonkos, S Heidger, D Brown, JV Parker, CW Gregg, K Slenes, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 38 (10), 2686-2693, 2010
Performance evaluation of the NEXT ion engine
G Soulas, M Domonkos, M Patterson
39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 5278, 2003
Low-current hollow cathode evaluation
M Domonkos, A Gallimore, G Williams, Jr, M Patterson
35th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2575, 1999
Experimental and computational progress on liner implosions for compression of FRCs
JH Degnan, DJ Amdahl, A Brown, T Cavazos, SK Coffey, MT Domonkos, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 36 (1), 80-91, 2008
Experimental and modeling studies of low energy ion sputtering in ion thrusters
M Nakles, J Pierru, J Wang, M Domonkos
39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 5160, 2003
NEXT: NASA's evolutionary Xenon Thruster development status
M Patterson, M Domonkos, J Foster, T Haag, G Soulas, S Kovaleski
39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 4862, 2003
Measurement of doubly charged ions in ion thruster plumes
GJ Williams Jr, MT Domonkos, JM Chavez
27th International Electric Propulsion Conference, 2002
Recent magneto-inertial fusion experiments on the field reversed configuration heating experiment
JH Degnan, DJ Amdahl, M Domonkos, FM Lehr, C Grabowski, ...
Nuclear fusion 53 (9), 093003, 2013
Investigation of keeper erosion in the NSTAR ion thruster
MT Domonkos, JE Foster, MJ Patterson, GJ Williams Jr
27th International Electric Propulsion Conference, 2001
Ion propulsion development activities at NASA Glenn Research Center
M Patterson, M Domonkos, J Foster, T Haag, M Mantenieks, L Pinero, ...
36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 3810, 2000
Gas pressure dependence of microwave pulses generated by laser-produced filament plasmas
A Englesbe, J Elle, R Reid, A Lucero, H Pohle, M Domonkos, S Kalmykov, ...
Optics Letters 43 (20), 4953-4956, 2018
Low-current, xenon orificed hollow cathode performance for in-space applications
MT Domonkos, MJ Patterson, AD Gallimore
Journal of propulsion and power 19 (3), 438-443, 2003
A particle and energy balance model of the orificed hollow cathode
M Domonkos
38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 4240, 2002
Recent development activities in hollow cathode technology
MJ Patterson, MT Domonkos, C Carpenter, SD Kovaleski
IEPC Paper 270, 2001, 2001
Field reversed configuration translation and the magnetized target fusion collaboration
TP Intrator, GA Wurden, PE Sieck, WJ Waganaar, L Dorf, M Kostora, ...
Journal of fusion energy 28, 165-169, 2009
Very near-field plume investigation of the D55
M Domonkos, C Marrese, J Haas, A Gallimore, M Domonkos, C Marrese, ...
33rd Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 3062, 1997
Very-near-field plume investigation of the anode layer thruster
MT Domonkos, AD Gallimore, CM Marrese, JM Haas
Journal of propulsion and power 16 (1), 91-98, 2000
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