Joscha Prochno
Joscha Prochno
Professor (full), University of Passau
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High-dimensional limit theorems for random vectors in -balls. II
Z Kabluchko, J Prochno, C Thäle
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 23 (03), 1950073, 2021
Large deviations for high-dimensional random projections of lp-balls
D Alonso-Gutiérrez, J Prochno, C Thäle
Advances in Applied Mathematics (to appear), 2018
The curse of dimensionality for numerical integration on general domains
A Hinrichs, J Prochno, M Ullrich
Journal of Complexity 50, 25-42, 2019
Random sections of ellipsoids and the power of random information
A Hinrichs, D Krieg, E Novak, J Prochno, M Ullrich
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 374 (12), 8691-8713, 2021
On the power of random information
A Hinrichs, D Krieg, E Novak, J Prochno, M Ullrich
Multivariate Algorithms and information-based complexity 27, 43-64, 2020
Entropy numbers of embeddings of Schatten classes
A Hinrichs, J Prochno, J Vybiral
Journal of Functional Analysis 273 (10), 3241-3261, 2017
Sanov-type large deviations in Schatten classes
Z Kabluchko, J Prochno, C Thäle
Gaussian fluctuations for high-dimensional random projections of lpn-balls
D Alonso-Gutiérrez, J Prochno, C Thäle
Bernoulli 25 (4A), 3139-3174, 2019
On the Gaussian behavior of marginals and the mean width of random polytopes
D Alonso-Gutiérrez, J Prochno
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2), 821-832, 2015
Norms of structured random matrices
R Adamczak, J Prochno, M Strzelecka, M Strzelecki
Mathematische Annalen 388 (4), 3463-3527, 2024
The maximum entropy principle and volumetric properties of Orlicz balls
Z Kabluchko, J Prochno
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 495 (1), 124687, 2021
Geometry of : Classical Results and Recent Developments
J Prochno, C Thäle, N Turchi
High Dimensional Probability VIII: The Oaxaca Volume, 121-150, 2019
Exact asymptotic volume and volume ratio of Schatten unit balls
Z Kabluchko, J Prochno, C Thaele
Journal of Approximation Theory 257, 105457, 2020
On the expectation of operator norms of random matrices
O Guédon, A Hinrichs, AE Litvak, J Prochno
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2169 …, 2017
Intersection of unit balls in classical matrix ensembles
Z Kabluchko, J Prochno, C Thaele
Israel Journal of Mathematics 239, 129-172, 2020
Combinatorial inequalities and subspaces of L1
J Prochno, C Schütt
Studia Mathematica 211 (1), 21-39, 2012
Large deviations, moderate deviations, and the KLS conjecture
D Alonso-Gutiérrez, J Prochno, C Thäle
Journal of Functional Analysis 280 (1), 108779, 2021
On the geometry of projective tensor products
O Giladi, J Prochno, C Schütt, N Tomczak-Jaegermann, E Werner
Journal of Functional Analysis 273 (2), 471-495, 2017
Faà di Bruno's formula and inversion of power series
SGG Johnston, J Prochno
Advances in Mathematics 395, 108080, 2022
Gelfand numbers of embeddings of Schatten classes
A Hinrichs, J Prochno, J Vybíral
Mathematische Annalen 380 (3), 1563-1593, 2021
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