Leonardo Restivo
Leonardo Restivo
Head of Neuro-Behavioral Analysis Unit, Dept. of Fundamental Neuroscience, University of Lausanne
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Hippocampal neurogenesis regulates forgetting during adulthood and infancy
KG Akers, A Martinez-Canabal, L Restivo, AP Yiu, A De Cristofaro, ...
Science 344 (6184), 598-602, 2014
The formation of recent and remote memory is associated with time-dependent formation of dendritic spines in the hippocampus and anterior cingulate cortex
L Restivo, G Vetere, B Bontempi, M Ammassari-Teule
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (25), 8206-8214, 2009
Enriched environment promotes behavioral and morphological recovery in a mouse model for the fragile X syndrome
L Restivo, F Ferrari, E Passino, C Sgobio, J Bock, BA Oostra, C Bagni, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (32), 11557-11562, 2005
Spine growth in the anterior cingulate cortex is necessary for the consolidation of contextual fear memory
G Vetere, L Restivo, CJ Cole, PJ Ross, M Ammassari-Teule, SA Josselyn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (20), 8456-8460, 2011
The lactate receptor HCAR1 modulates neuronal network activity through the activation of Gα and Gβγ subunits
H de Castro Abrantes, M Briquet, C Schmuziger, L Restivo, J Puyal, ...
Journal of neuroscience 39 (23), 4422-4433, 2019
MEF2 negatively regulates learning-induced structural plasticity and memory formation
CJ Cole, V Mercaldo, L Restivo, AP Yiu, MJ Sekeres, JH Han, G Vetere, ...
Nature neuroscience 15 (9), 1255-1264, 2012
Memory formation in the absence of experience
G Vetere, LM Tran, S Moberg, PE Steadman, L Restivo, FG Morrison, ...
Nature neuroscience 22 (6), 933-940, 2019
Development of adult-generated cell connectivity with excitatory and inhibitory cell populations in the hippocampus
L Restivo, Y Niibori, V Mercaldo, SA Josselyn, PW Frankland
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (29), 10600-10612, 2015
Viral‐mediated expression of a constitutively active form of CREB in hippocampal neurons increases memory
L Restivo, E Tafi, M Ammassari‐Teule, H Marie
Hippocampus 19 (3), 228-234, 2009
Introduction to the EQIPD quality system
A Bespalov, R Bernard, A Gilis, B Gerlach, J Guillen, V Castagne, ...
Elife 10, e63294, 2021
Genetic approach to variability of memory systems: Analysis of place vs. response learning and Fos‐related expression in hippocampal and striatal areas of C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice
E Passino, S Middei, L Restivo, V Bertaina‐Anglade, M Ammassari‐Teule
Hippocampus 12 (1), 63-75, 2002
KG Akers, A Martinez-Canabal, L Restivo, AP Yiu, A De Cristofaro, ...
AL, Guskjolen, A., Niibori, Y., Shoji, H., Ohira, K., Richards, BA, Miyakawa …, 2014
The non-coding RNA BC1 regulates experience-dependent structural plasticity and learning
V Briz, L Restivo, E Pasciuto, K Juczewski, V Mercaldo, AC Lo, P Baatsen, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 293, 2017
The promnesic effect of G-protein-coupled 5-HT4 receptors activation is mediated by a potentiation of learning-induced spine growth in the mouse hippocampus
L Restivo, F Roman, A Dumuis, J Bockaert, E Marchetti, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 33 (10), 2427-2434, 2008
Fear conditioning in C57/BL/6 and DBA/2 mice: variability in nucleus accumbens function according to the strain predisposition to show contextual‐or cue‐based responding
M Ammassari‐Teule, E Passino, L Restivo, B De Marsanich
European Journal of Neuroscience 12 (12), 4467-4474, 2000
Extinction partially reverts structural changes associated with remote fear memory
G Vetere, L Restivo, G Novembre, M Aceti, M Lumaca, ...
Learning & memory 18 (9), 554-557, 2011
Heterogeneous habenular neuronal ensembles during selection of defensive behaviors
S Lecca, VMK Namboodiri, L Restivo, N Gervasi, G Pillolla, GD Stuber, ...
Cell reports 31 (10), 2020
Simultaneous olfactory discrimination elicits a strain‐specific increase in dendritic spines in the hippocampus of inbred mice
L Restivo, FS Roman, M Ammassari‐Teule, E Marchetti
Hippocampus 16 (5), 472-479, 2006
Synaptic adaptations of CA1 pyramidal neurons induced by a highly effective combinational antidepressant therapy
C Marchetti, E Tafi, S Middei, MA Rubinacci, L Restivo, ...
Biological psychiatry 67 (2), 146-154, 2010
Conditional deletion of α-CaMKII impairs integration of adult-generated granule cells into dentate gyrus circuits and hippocampus-dependent learning
M Arruda-Carvalho, L Restivo, A Guskjolen, JR Epp, Y Elgersma, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (36), 11919-11928, 2014
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