Geneviève Painchaud Guérard
Geneviève Painchaud Guérard
CHU de Québec
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Training health professionals in shared decision making: update of an international environmental scan
NT Diouf, M Menear, H Robitaille, GP Guérard, F Légaré
Patient education and counseling 99 (11), 1753-1758, 2016
Impact of home care versus alternative locations of care on elder health outcomes: an overview of systematic reviews
L Boland, F Légaré, MMB Perez, M Menear, MM Garvelink, DI McIsaac, ...
BMC geriatrics 17, 1-15, 2017
Implementing shared decision-making in interprofessional home care teams (the IPSDM-SW study): protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial
F Légaré, N Brière, D Stacey, G Lacroix, S Desroches, S Dumont, ...
BMJ open 6 (11), e014023, 2016
Salient beliefs among Canadian adults regarding milk and cheese consumption: a qualitative study based on the theory of planned behaviour
MJ Lacroix, S Desroches, M Turcotte, G Painchaud Guérard, P Paquin, ...
BMC Nutrition 2, 1-15, 2016
Impacts of online and group perinatal education: a mixed methods study protocol for the optimization of perinatal health services
G Roch, R Borgès Da Silva, F de Montigny, HO Witteman, T Pierce, ...
BMC Health Services Research 18, 1-8, 2018
Influence of nutrition claims on appetite sensations according to sex, weight status, and restrained eating
G Painchaud Guérard, S Lemieux, É Doucet, S Pomerleau, V Provencher
Journal of obesity 2016 (1), 9475476, 2016
Assessing medical student knowledge and attitudes about shared decision making across the curriculum: protocol for an international online survey and stakeholder analysis
MA Durand, R Yen, PJ Barr, N Cochran, J Aarts, F Légaré, M Reed, ...
BMJ open 7 (6), e015945, 2017
Medical students’ knowledge and attitudes toward shared decision making: results from a multinational, cross-sectional survey
RW Yen, PJ Barr, N Cochran, JW Aarts, F Légaré, M Reed, AJ O’malley, ...
MDM Policy & Practice 4 (2), 2381468319885871, 2019
Implementing shared decision-making in interprofessional home care teams (the IPSDM-SW study): protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial. BMJ Open. 2016 Nov 24; 6 …
F Légaré, N Brière, D Stacey, G Lacroix, S Desroches, S Dumont, ...
Correction to: Time to move? Factors associated with burden of care among informal caregivers of cognitively impaired older people facing housing decisions: secondary analysis …
A Boucher, J Haesebaert, A Freitas, R Adekpedjou, M Landry, ...
BMC geriatrics 20, 42, 2020
Time to move? Factors associated with burden of care among informal caregivers of cognitively impaired older people facing housing decisions: secondary analysis of a cluster …
A Boucher, J Haesebaert, A Freitas, R Adekpedjou, M Landry, ...
BMC GERIATRICS 20 (1), 2020
Salient beliefs among Canadian adults regarding milk and cheese consumption: a qualitative study based on the theory of planned behaviour
G Painchaud Guérard, M Turcotte, F Couture, S Desroches, P Paquin, ...
BioMed Central, 2016
Influence des allégations nutritionnelles verbales sur les sensations perçues de faim et de satiété lors de la prise d'une collation
G Painchaud Guérard
A Boucher, J Haesebaert, A Freitas, R Adekpedjou, M Landry, ...
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