University of Sakatchewan
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Adhesion to tooth structure: a critical review of “macro” test methods
RR Braga, JBC Meira, LCC Boaro, TA Xavier
Dental Materials 26 (2), e38-e49, 2010
Monomers used in resin composites: degree of conversion, mechanical properties and water sorption/solubility
VES Gajewski, CS Pfeifer, NRG Fróes-Salgado, LCC Boaro, RR Braga
Brazilian dental journal 23, 508-514, 2012
Polymerization stress, shrinkage and elastic modulus of current low-shrinkage restorative composites
LCC Boaro, F Gonçalves, TC Guimarães, JL Ferracane, A Versluis, ...
Dental materials 26 (12), 1144-1150, 2010
Influence of cavity dimensions and their derivatives (volume and ‘C’factor) on shrinkage stress development and microleakage of composite restorations
RR Braga, LCC Boaro, T Kuroe, CLN Azevedo, JM Singer
Dental materials 22 (9), 818-823, 2006
Sorption, solubility, shrinkage and mechanical properties of “low-shrinkage” commercial resin composites
LC Boaro, F Gonçalves, TC Guimarães, JL Ferracane, CS Pfeifer, ...
Dental materials 29 (4), 398-404, 2013
Clinical performance and chemical-physical properties of bulk fill composites resin—a systematic review and meta-analysis
LCC Boaro, DP Lopes, ASC de Souza, EL Nakano, MDA Perez, ...
Dental materials 35 (10), e249-e264, 2019
A comparative study of bulk-fill composites: degree of conversion, post-gel shrinkage and cytotoxicity
F Gonçalves, LMP Campos, EC Rodrigues-Júnior, FV Costa, PA Marques, ...
Brazilian oral research 32, e17, 2018
Fiber post cementation strategies: effect of mechanical cycling on push-out bond strength and cement polymerization stress
CD Bergoli, M Amaral, LC Boaro, RR Braga, LF Valandro
J Adhes Dent 14 (5), 471-8, 2012
Antibacterial resin-based composite containing chlorhexidine for dental applications
LCC Boaro, LM Campos, GHC Varca, TMR Dos Santos, PA Marques, ...
Dental Materials 35 (6), 909-918, 2019
Improved polymerization efficiency of methacrylate-based cements containing an iodonium salt
LS Gonçalves, RR Moraes, FA Ogliari, L Boaro, RR Braga, S Consani
Dental Materials 29 (12), 1251-1255, 2013
Characterization of water sorption, solubility, and roughness of silorane-and methacrylate-based composite resins
M Giannini, M Di Francescantonio, RR Pacheco, LCC Boaro, RR Braga
Operative dentistry 39 (3), 264-272, 2014
Effect of immediate or delayed light activation on curing kinetics and shrinkage stress of dual-cure resin cements
A Faria-e-Silva, L Boaro, R Braga, E Piva, V Arias, L Martins
Operative dentistry 36 (2), 196-204, 2011
Influence of polymeric matrix on the physical and chemical properties of experimental composites
F Gonçalves, LCC Boaro, CL Miyazaki, Y Kawano, RR Braga
Brazilian oral research 29 (1), 01-07, 2015
Correlation between polymerization stress and interfacial integrity of composites restorations assessed by different in vitro tests
LCC Boaro, NR Fróes-Salgado, VES Gajewski, AA Bicalho, ...
Dental Materials 30 (9), 984-992, 2014
Experimental and FE displacement and polymerization stress of bonded restorations as a function of the C-Factor, volume and substrate stiffness
LCC Boaro, WC Brandt, JBC Meira, FP Rodrigues, WM Palin, RR Braga
Journal of dentistry 42 (2), 140-148, 2014
A comparative evaluation of polymerization stress data obtained with four different mechanical testing systems
F Gonçalves, LC Boaro, JL Ferracane, RR Braga
Dental Materials 28 (6), 680-686, 2012
A comparative study between crack analysis and a mechanical test for assessing the polymerization stress of restorative composites
RR Braga, T Yamamoto, K Tyler, LC Boaro, JL Ferracane, MV Swain
Dental Materials 28 (6), 632-641, 2012
Mechanical characterization and ion release of bioactive dental composites containing calcium phosphate particles
LC Natale, MC Rodrigues, Y Alania, MDS Chiari, LCC Boaro, M Cotrim, ...
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 84, 161-167, 2018
Polymerization stress related to radiant exposure and its effect on microleakage of composite restorations
FC Calheiros, FT Sadek, LCC Boaro, RR Braga
Journal of dentistry 35 (12), 946-952, 2007
Influence of the bonding substrate in dental composite polymerization stress testing
LC Boaro, F Gonçalves, RR Braga
Acta Biomaterialia 6 (2), 547-551, 2010
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