Céline Audet
Céline Audet
Professeur émérite, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
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Impaired cortisol stress response in fish from environments polluted by PAHs, PCBs, and mercury
A Hontela, JB Rasmussen, C Audet, G Chevalier
Archives of Environmental Contamination and toxicology 22, 278-283, 1992
Network analysis highlights complex interactions between pathogen, host and commensal microbiota
S Boutin, L Bernatchez, C Audet, N Derôme
PloS one 8 (12), e84772, 2013
Inter individual variations of the fish skin microbiota: host genetics basis of mutualism?
S Boutin, C Sauvage, L Bernatchez, C Audet, N Derome
PLoS One 9 (7), e102649, 2014
RAD sequencing highlights polygenic discrimination of habitat ecotypes in the panmictic American eel
SA Pavey, J Gaudin, E Normandeau, M Dionne, M Castonguay, C Audet, ...
Current Biology 25 (12), 1666-1671, 2015
Distribution Kinetics of Dietary Methylmercury in the Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
CA Oliveira Ribeiro, C Rouleau, E Pelletier, C Audet, H Tjälve
Environmental science & technology 33 (6), 902-907, 1999
Comparing environmental metabarcoding and trawling survey of demersal fish communities in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada
SF Afzali, H Bourdages, M Laporte, C Mérot, E Normandeau, C Audet, ...
Environmental DNA 3 (1), 22-42, 2021
Antagonistic effect of indigenous skin bacteria of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) against Flavobacterium columnare and F. psychrophilum
S Boutin, L Bernatchez, C Audet, N Derôme
Veterinary Microbiology 155 (2-4), 355-361, 2012
Ontogenetic changes in temperature preference of Atlantic cod
P Lafrance, M Castonguay, D Chabot, C Audet
Journal of Fish Biology 66 (2), 553-567, 2005
Will global warming affect the functional need for essential fatty acids in juvenile sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)? A first overview of the consequences of lower …
C Gourtay, D Chabot, C Audet, H Le Delliou, P Quazuguel, G Claireaux, ...
Marine Biology 165 (9), 143, 2018
Effects of long-term temperature acclimation on thyroid hormone deiodinase function, plasma thyroid hormone levels, growth, and reproductive status of male Atlantic cod, Gadus …
DG Cyr, DR Idler, C Audet, JM McLeese, JG Eales
General and Comparative Endocrinology 109 (1), 24-36, 1998
Essential fatty acid requirements in tropical and cold-water marine fish larvae and juveniles
SC Mejri, R Tremblay, C Audet, PS Wills, M Riche
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 680003, 2021
Maternal genetic effects on adaptive divergence between anadromous and resident brook charr during early life history
GML Perry, C Audet, L Bernatchez
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18 (5), 1348-1361, 2005
Salmonid chromosome evolution as revealed by a novel method for comparing RADseq linkage maps
BJG Sutherland, T Gosselin, E Normandeau, M Lamothe, N Isabel, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 8 (12), 3600-3617, 2016
Probiotic treatment by indigenous bacteria decreases mortality without disturbing the natural microbiota of Salvelinus fontinalis
S Boutin, C Audet, N Derome
Canadian journal of microbiology 59 (10), 662-670, 2013
Long-term sublethal acid exposure in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in soft water: effects on ion exchanges and blood chemistry
C Audet, RS Munger, CM Wood
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45 (8), 1387-1398, 1988
Impact of hypoxia on the metabolism of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)
A Dupont-Prinet, M Vagner, D Chabot, C Audet
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70 (3), 461-469, 2013
The Transcriptional Landscape of Cross-Specific Hybrids and Its Possible Link With Growth in Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill)
B Bougas, S Granier, C Audet, L Bernatchez
Genetics 186 (1), 97-107, 2010
Essential fatty acid enrichment of cultured rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis, Müller) using frozen‐concentrated microalgae
LH Seychelles, C Audet, R Tremblay, R Fournier, F Pernet
Aquaculture Nutrition 15 (4), 431-439, 2009
Shifting patterns in genetic control at the embryo‐alevin boundary in brook charr
GML Perry, C Audet, B Laplatte, L Bernatchez
Evolution 58 (9), 2002-2012, 2004
Do rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) acclimate to low pH?
C Audet, CM Wood
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45 (8), 1399-1405, 1988
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