Dhruv Balwada
Dhruv Balwada
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
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Submesoscale vertical velocities enhance tracer subduction in an idealized Antarctic Circumpolar Current
D Balwada, KS Smith, R Abernathey
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (18), 9790-9802, 2018
Global observations of horizontal mixing from Argo float and surface drifter trajectories
CJ Roach, D Balwada, K Speer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (7), 4560-4575, 2018
Float-derived isopycnal diffusivities in the DIMES experiment
JH LaCasce, R Ferrari, J Marshall, R Tulloch, D Balwada, K Speer
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (2), 764-780, 2014
Vertical eddy iron fluxes support primary production in the open Southern Ocean
T Uchida, D Balwada, R P. Abernathey, G A. McKinley, S K. Smith, M Lévy
Nature Communications 11 (1), 1125, 2020
The contribution of submesoscale over mesoscale eddy iron transport in the open Southern Ocean
T Uchida, D Balwada, R Abernathey, G McKinley, S Smith, M Levy
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (12), 3934-3958, 2019
Scale‐dependent distribution of kinetic energy from surface drifters in the Gulf of Mexico
D Balwada, JH LaCasce, KG Speer
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (20), 10,856-10,863, 2016
Vertical fluxes conditioned on vorticity and strain reveal submesoscale ventilation
D Balwada, Q Xiao, S Smith, R Abernathey, AR Gray
Journal of Physical Oceanography 51 (9), 2883-2901, 2021
Direct observational evidence of an oceanic dual kinetic energy cascade and its seasonality
D Balwada, JH Xie, R Marino, F Feraco
Science Advances 8 (41), eabq2566, 2022
Southern Ocean phytoplankton blooms observed by biogeochemical floats
T Uchida, D Balwada, R Abernathey, CJ Prend, E Boss, ST Gille
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (11), 7328-7343, 2019
Horizontal mixing in the Southern Ocean from Argo float trajectories
CJ Roach, D Balwada, K Speer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (8), 5570-5586, 2016
Modulation of lateral transport by submesoscale flows and inertia‐gravity waves
A Sinha, D Balwada, N Tarshish, R Abernathey
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (4), 1039-1065, 2019
Relative dispersion in the Antarctic circumpolar current
D Balwada, JH LaCasce, KG Speer, R Ferrari
Journal of Physical Oceanography 51 (2), 553-574, 2021
Circulation and stirring in the southeast Pacific Ocean and the Scotia Sea sectors of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
D Balwada, KG Speer, JH LaCasce, WB Owens, J Marshall, R Ferrari
Journal of Physical Oceanography 46 (7), 2005-2027, 2016
Observational evidence of ventilation hotspots in the Southern Ocean
LA Dove, AF Thompson, D Balwada, AR Gray
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 126 (7), e2021JC017178, 2021
Parameterizing nonpropagating form drag over rough bathymetry
JM Klymak, D Balwada, AN Garabato, R Abernathey
Journal of Physical Oceanography 51 (5), 1489-1501, 2021
Enhanced ventilation in energetic regions of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
LA Dove, D Balwada, AF Thompson, AR Gray
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (13), e2021GL097574, 2022
The diapycnal and isopycnal mixing experiment: A first assessment
ST Gille, J Ledwell, A Naveira-Garabato, K Speer, D Balwada, A Brearley, ...
University of Tasmania, 2012
Reconstruction of surface kinematics from sea surface height using neural networks
Q Xiao, D Balwada, CS Jones, M Herrero‐González, KS Smith, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15 (10), e2023MS003709, 2023
Drifter and dye tracks reveal dispersal processes that can affect phytoplankton distributions in shallow estuarine environments
NL Geyer, D Balwada, E Simons, K Speer, M Huettel
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 269, 107811, 2022
Diagnosing the thickness‐weighted averaged eddy‐mean flow interaction from an eddying North Atlantic ensemble: The Eliassen‐Palm flux
T Uchida, Q Jamet, WK Dewar, J Le Sommer, T Penduff, D Balwada
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 14 (5), e2021MS002866, 2022
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