Nikolaos Kantiranis
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Color stability of lithium disilicate ceramics after aging and immersion in common beverages
ES Palla, E Kontonasaki, N Kantiranis, L Papadopoulou, T Zorba, ...
The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 119 (4), 632-642, 2018
Geogenic Cr oxidation on the surface of mafic minerals and the hydrogeological conditions influencing hexavalent chromium concentrations in groundwater
N Kazakis, N Kantiranis, KS Voudouris, M Mitrakas, E Kaprara, A Pavlou
Science of the Total Environment 514, 224-238, 2015
Seasonal and spatial variations of magnetic susceptibility and potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in road dusts of Thessaloniki city, Greece: A one-year monitoring period
A Bourliva, N Kantiranis, L Papadopoulou, E Aidona, C Christophoridis, ...
Science of the Total Environment 639, 417-427, 2018
Effect of in vitro aging on the flexural strength and probability to fracture of Y-TZP zirconia ceramics for all-ceramic restorations
E Siarampi, E Kontonasaki, KS Andrikopoulos, N Kantiranis, GA Voyiatzis, ...
Dental Materials 30 (12), e306-e316, 2014
Origin of hexavalent chromium in groundwater: the example of Sarigkiol Basin, Northern Greece
N Kazakis, N Kantiranis, K Kalaitzidou, E Kaprara, M Mitrakas, R Frei, ...
Science of the Total Environment 593, 552-566, 2017
Experimental neutralization of lake and stream waters from N. Greece using domestic HEU-type rich natural zeolitic material
A Filippidis, N Kantiranis
Desalination 213 (1-3), 47-55, 2007
Thermal and mineralogical contribution to the ancient ceramics and natural clays characterization
D Papadopoulou, M Lalia-Kantouri, N Kantiranis, J Stratis
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 84 (1), 39-45, 2006
Environmentally available hexavalent chromium in soils and sediments impacted by dispersed fly ash in Sarigkiol basin (Northern Greece)
N Kazakis, N Kantiranis, K Kalaitzidou, E Kaprara, M Mitrakas, R Frei, ...
Environmental Pollution 235, 632-641, 2018
GIS-type zeolite synthesis from Greek lignite sulphocalcic fly ashes promoted by NaOH solutions
T Mouhtaris, D Charistos, N Kantiranis, A Filippidis, A Kassoli-Fournaraki, ...
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 61 (1-3), 57-67, 2003
Microstructural characterization and comparative evaluation of physical, mechanical and biological properties of three ceramics for metal–ceramic restorations
E Kontonasaki, N Kantiranis, L Papadopoulou, X Chatzistavrou, ...
dental materials 24 (10), 1362-1373, 2008
Odontogenic differentiation and biomineralization potential of dental pulp stem cells inside Mg-based bioceramic scaffolds under low-level laser treatment
A Theocharidou, A Bakopoulou, E Kontonasaki, E Papachristou, ...
Lasers in medical science 32, 201-210, 2017
Extra-framework cation release from heulandite-type rich tuffs on exchange with NH4+
N Kantiranis, K Sikalidis, A Godelitsas, C Squires, G Papastergios, ...
Journal of environmental management 92 (6), 1569-1576, 2011
Comparative bioactivity study of 45S5 and 58S bioglasses in organic and inorganic environment
G Theodorou, OM Goudouri, E Kontonasaki, X Chatzistavrou, ...
Bioceramics Development and Applications 1, 2011
Human treated dentin matrices combined with Zn-doped, Mg-based bioceramic scaffolds and human dental pulp stem cells towards targeted dentin regeneration
A Bakopoulou, E Papachristou, M Bousnaki, C Hadjichristou, ...
Dental Materials 32 (8), e159-e175, 2016
Aging of 3Y-TZP dental zirconia and yttrium depletion
P Pandoleon, E Kontonasaki, N Kantiranis, N Pliatsikas, P Patsalas, ...
Dental Materials 33 (11), e385-e392, 2017
Spatial and seasonal variations of the chemical, mineralogical and morphological features of quasi-ultrafine particles (PM0. 49) at urban sites
C Samara, N Kantiranis, P Kollias, S Planou, A Kouras, A Besis, E Manoli, ...
Science of the Total Environment 553, 392-403, 2016
Thermal distinction of HEU-type mineral phases contained in Greek zeolite-rich volcaniclastic tuffs
N Kantiranis, C Chrissafis, A Filippidis, KM Paraskevopoulos
European Journal of Mineralogy 18 (4), 509-516, 2006
The impact of soluble salts on the deterioration of pharaonic and Coptic wall paintings at Al Qurna, Egypt: mineralogy and chemistry
AMA Moussa, N Kantiranis, KS Voudouris, JA Stratis, MF Ali, V Christaras
Archaeometry 51 (2), 292-308, 2009
Calculation of the percentage of amorphous material using PXRD patterns
Ν Καντηράνης, Α Στέργιου, Α Φιλιππίδης, Α Δρακούλης
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece 36 (1), 446-453, 2004
Hellenic Natural Zeolite as a replacement of sand in mortar: Mineralogy monitoring and evaluation of its influence on mechanical properties
D Vogiatzis, N Kantiranis, A Filippidis, E Tzamos, C Sikalidis
Geosciences 2 (4), 298-307, 2012
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