Multi-objective approach to the optimization of shape and envelope in building energy design A Ciardiello, F Rosso, J Dell'Olmo, V Ciancio, M Ferrero, F Salata Applied energy 280, 115984, 2020 | 198 | 2020 |
Multi-objective optimization of building retrofit in the Mediterranean climate by means of genetic algorithm application F Rosso, V Ciancio, J Dell'Olmo, F Salata Energy and Buildings 216, 109945, 2020 | 173 | 2020 |
High albedo materials to counteract heat waves in cities: An assessment of meteorology, buildings energy needs and pedestrian thermal comfort S Falasca, V Ciancio, F Salata, I Golasi, F Rosso, G Curci Building and environment 163, 106242, 2019 | 133 | 2019 |
On the impact of innovative materials on outdoor thermal comfort of pedestrians in historical urban canyons F Rosso, I Golasi, VL Castaldo, C Piselli, AL Pisello, F Salata, M Ferrero, ... Renewable Energy 118, 825-839, 2018 | 125 | 2018 |
On the thermal and visual pedestrians' perception about cool natural stones for urban paving: A field survey in summer conditions F Rosso, AL Pisello, F Cotana, M Ferrero Building and Environment 107, 198-214, 2016 | 105 | 2016 |
Citizens and cities: Leveraging citizen science and big data for sustainable urban development F Cappa, S Franco, F Rosso Business Strategy and the Environment 31 (2), 648-667, 2022 | 104 | 2022 |
How subjective and non-physical parameters affect occupants’ environmental comfort perception VL Castaldo, I Pigliautile, F Rosso, F Cotana, F De Giorgio, AL Pisello Energy and Buildings 178, 107-129, 2018 | 102 | 2018 |
How to deliver open sustainable innovation: An integrated approach for a sustainable marketable product F Cappa, F Del Sette, D Hayes, F Rosso Sustainability 8 (12), 1341, 2016 | 98 | 2016 |
Nudging and citizen science: The effectiveness of feedback in energy-demand management F Cappa, F Rosso, L Giustiniano, M Porfiri Journal of Environmental Management 269, 110759, 2020 | 93 | 2020 |
Monetary and social rewards for crowdsourcing F Cappa, F Rosso, D Hayes Sustainability 11 (10), 2834, 2019 | 77 | 2019 |
Dressed for the season: Clothing and outdoor thermal comfort in the Mediterranean population F Salata, I Golasi, V Ciancio, F Rosso Building and Environment 146, 50-63, 2018 | 66 | 2018 |
Visitor-sensing: Involving the crowd in cultural heritage organizations F Cappa, F Rosso, A Capaldo Sustainability 12 (4), 1445, 2020 | 65 | 2020 |
The role of building occupants' education in their resilience to climate-change related events AL Pisello, F Rosso, VL Castaldo, C Piselli, C Fabiani, F Cotana Energy and Buildings 154, 217-231, 2017 | 59 | 2017 |
New cool concrete for building envelopes and urban paving: Optics-energy and thermal assessment in dynamic conditions F Rosso, AL Pisello, VL Castaldo, C Fabiani, F Cotana, M Ferrero, W Jin Energy and buildings 151, 381-392, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
Pocket parks for human-centered urban climate change resilience: Microclimate field tests and multi-domain comfort analysis through portable sensing techniques and citizens … F Rosso, B Pioppi, AL Pisello Energy and buildings 260, 111918, 2022 | 50 | 2022 |
Pocket parks towards more sustainable cities. Architectural, environmental, managerial and legal considerations towards an integrated framework: A case study in the … F Rosso, F Cappa, R Spitzmiller, M Ferrero Environmental Challenges 7, 100402, 2022 | 46 | 2022 |
Integrated thermal-energy analysis of innovative translucent white marble for building envelope application F Rosso, AL Pisello, F Cotana, M Ferrero Sustainability 6 (8), 5439-5462, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |
Traditional and innovative materials for energy efficiency in buildings AL Pisello, VL Castaldo, F Rosso, C Piselli, M Ferrero, F Cotana Key Engineering Materials 678, 14-34, 2016 | 39 | 2016 |
On innovative cool-colored materials for building envelopes: Balancing the architectural appearance and the thermal-energy performance in historical districts F Rosso, AL Pisello, VL Castaldo, M Ferrero, F Cotana Sustainability 9 (12), 2319, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Natural materials for thermal insulation and passive cooling application AL Pisello, F Rosso Key engineering materials 666, 1-16, 2016 | 34 | 2016 |