The performance of ML, GLS, and WLS estimation in structural equation modeling under conditions of misspecification and nonnormality UH Olsson, T Foss, SV Troye, RD Howell Structural equation modeling 7 (4), 557-595, 2000 | 1081 | 2000 |
Trying to prosume: toward a theory of consumers as co-creators of value C Xie, RP Bagozzi, SV Troye Journal of the Academy of marketing Science 36, 109-122, 2008 | 1038 | 2008 |
Consumer participation in coproduction:“I made it myself” effects on consumers’ sensory perceptions and evaluations of outcome and input product SV Troye, M Supphellen Journal of marketing 76 (2), 33-46, 2012 | 376 | 2012 |
Buying expertise, information search, and problem solving F Selnes, SV Troye Journal of Economic Psychology 10 (3), 411-428, 1989 | 133 | 1989 |
Theoretic fit and empirical fit: The performance of maximum likelihood versus generalized least squares estimation in structural equation models UH Olsson, SV Troye, RD Howell Multivariate behavioral research 34 (1), 31-58, 1999 | 131 | 1999 |
Dimensions of Intangibility and Their Impact of Product Evaluation E Breivik, SV Troye Proceedings of the 1996 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference …, 2015 | 50* | 2015 |
Teori-og forskningsevaluering: Et kritisk realistisk perspektiv SV Troye Tano, 1994 | 44 | 1994 |
Evoked Set Formation as a Categorization Process. SV Troye Advances in consumer research 11 (1), 1984 | 37 | 1984 |
Situationist theory and consumer behavior SV Troye Research in consumer behavior 1, 285-321, 1985 | 28 | 1985 |
Markedsføring: styring av kvalitet SV Troye Universitetsforl., 1990 | 26 | 1990 |
Markedsføring: verdibasert forventningsledelse M Supphellen, H Thorbjørnsen, SV Troye KAP 21, 483-506, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
Does the ADF fit function decrease when the kurtosis increases? UH Olsson, T Foss, SV Troye British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 56 (2), 289-303, 2003 | 24 | 2003 |
Exploring the content of evoked set in car buying K Grønhaug, SV Troye Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, 1980 | 24 | 1980 |
Marketing: forventninger, tilfredshet og kvalitet SV Troye Fagbokforlaget, 1999 | 22 | 1999 |
Utredningsmetodikk SV Troye, K Grønhaug Hvordan skrive en utredning til glede for både deg selv og andre 3, 1993 | 13 | 1993 |
Towards a new understanding of marketing: gaps and opportunities SV Troye, R Howell Rethinking Marketing. Developing a New Understanding of Markets. Chichester …, 2004 | 12 | 2004 |
The triple importance of service: an alternative model of service and product quality SV Troye, T Ogaard, IJ Henjesand Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy …, 1995 | 11 | 1995 |
Advice seeking network structures and the learning organization J Aarstad, M Selart, S Troye | 10 | 2011 |
Evoked set formation from the perspective of decision making as an instance of categorization SV Troye University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1983 | 10 | 1983 |
The consumer as a co-producer and prosumer: Convenience food marketing SV Troye, M Supphellen, A Jakubanecs Diversity in European Marketing: Text and Cases, 179-192, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |