Dawei Xue
Dawei Xue
Email yang diverifikasi di northwestern.edu
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Centrifuge model test and limit equilibrium analysis of the stability of municipal solid waste slopes
X Lü, D Xue, Q Chen, X Zhai, M Huang
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 78, 3011-3021, 2019
Implicit gradient softening plasticity for the modeling of strain localization in soils
X Lü, D Xue, KW Lim
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 364, 112934, 2020
Nonlocal regularized numerical analyses for passive failure of tunnel head in strain-softening soils
D Xue, X Lü, M Huang, KW Lim
Computers and Geotechnics 148, 104834, 2022
A shear hardening plasticity model with nonlinear shear strength criterion for municipal solid waste
X Lü, D Xue, M Huang, KW Lim
Computers and Geotechnics 104, 207-215, 2018
Experimental studies and constitutive modeling of static liquefaction instability in sand–clay mixtures
X Lü, D Xue, B Zhang, Q Zhong
International Journal of Geomechanics 22 (9), 04022149, 2022
Nonlocal Implicit Gradient Enhancements for Strain Localization Informed by Controllability Criteria for Plastic Solids
Dawei Xue., Xilin Lu., Keng-Wit Lim., Giuseppe Buscarnera.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023
Simulation of heterogeneous breakage in sand based on full-field X-ray tomography measurements
D Xue, G Shahin, D Seo, X Lü, G Buscarnera
Computers and Geotechnics 147, 104746, 2022
Numerical modelling of shield tunnel face failure through a critical state sand plasticity model with nonlocal regularization
X Lü, Y Zhao, D Xue, KW Lim, H Qin
Computers and Geotechnics 164, 105847, 2023
Strain localization criteria for viscoplastic geomaterials
D Xue, G Shahin, X Lü, G Buscarnera
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2022
Investigating Soil Arching in Pile-Supported Embankments through Physical Experiments and DEM Simulations
M Yiyue, H Junxia, X Dawei, X Lu
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2024
Microscopic and macroscopic numerical simulation of the progressive failure of granular materials
X Lu, D Xue, Y Ma, S Zeng, M Huang
Scientia Sinica Technologica 52 (7), 1022 - 1034, 2021
Numerical simulation of bearing capacity of a strip footing on strain-softening soil ground. June 2019
X Lu, D Xue
Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 41 (S2), 9-12, 2019
Finite element simulations for failure of shield tunnel face using shear hardening plasticity model
Y Zhao, D Xue, K Xu, Z Lu, X Lü
Advances in Frontier Research on Engineering Structures, 2023
Simulation and Interpretation of Compaction Patterns Around Boreholes Excavated in High-porosity Rocks
Dawei Xue, Ghassan Shahin, Xilin Lu, Giuseppe Buscarnera
Acta Geotechnica, 2023
Mechanisms and Numerical Simulation Methods for Strain Localized Progressive Failure of Sandstones
D Xue
Tongji University, 2022
Characteristics of Delayed Compaction Localization Instability of Porous Rocks
D Xue, X Lu, Z Ren, Y Liu
Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science) 49 (11), 1539-1545, 2021
Numerical Simulation of the Bearing Capacity of a Quadrate Footing on Landfill
D Xue, X Lü
Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering: Volume 1 …, 2018
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