Reid Ewing
Reid Ewing
Distinguished Professor of City and Metropolitan Planning, University of Utah
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Travel and the built environment: A meta-analysis
R Ewing, R Cervero
Journal of the American planning association 76 (3), 265-294, 2010
How the built environment affects physical activity: views from urban planning
SL Handy, MG Boarnet, R Ewing, RE Killingsworth
American journal of preventive medicine 23 (2), 64-73, 2002
Is Los Angeles-style sprawl desirable?
R Ewing
Journal of the American planning association 63 (1), 107-126, 1997
Relationship between urban sprawl and physical activity, obesity, and morbidity
R Ewing, T Schmid, R Killingsworth, A Zlot, S Raudenbush
American journal of health promotion 18 (1), 47-57, 2003
Measuring sprawl and its impact
R Ewing, R Pendall, D Chen
Measuring the unmeasurable: Urban design qualities related to walkability
R Ewing, S Handy
Journal of Urban design 14 (1), 65-84, 2009
The built environment and obesity
MA Papas, AJ Alberg, R Ewing, KJ Helzlsouer, TL Gary, AC Klassen
Epidemiologic reviews 29 (1), 129-143, 2007
The impact of urban form on US residential energy use
R Ewing, F Rong
Housing policy debate 19 (1), 1-30, 2008
Growing cooler: The evidence on urban development and climate change
RH Ewing, K Bartholomew, S Winkelman, J Walters, D Chen
Smart Growth America, 2005
Characteristics, causes, and effects of sprawl: A literature review
RH Ewing
Urban ecology: An international perspective on the interaction between …, 2008
Does density aggravate the COVID-19 pandemic? Early findings and lessons for planners
S Hamidi, S Sabouri, R Ewing
Journal of the American planning association 86 (4), 495-509, 2020
Identifying and measuring urban design qualities related to walkability
R Ewing, S Handy, RC Brownson, O Clemente, E Winston
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 3 (s1), S223-S240, 2006
Land use, transport, and population health: estimating the health benefits of compact cities
M Stevenson, J Thompson, TH de Sá, R Ewing, D Mohan, R McClure, ...
The lancet 388 (10062), 2925-2935, 2016
The built environment and traffic safety: a review of empirical evidence
R Ewing, E Dumbaugh
Journal of Planning Literature 23 (4), 347-367, 2009
School location and student travel analysis of factors affecting mode choice
R Ewing, W Schroeer, W Greene
Transportation research record 1895 (1), 55-63, 2004
Measuring sprawl and its transportation impacts
R Ewing, R Pendall, D Chen
Transportation research record 1831 (1), 175-183, 2003
Measuring urban design: Metrics for livable places
RH Ewing, O Clemente, KM Neckerman, M Purciel-Hill, JW Quinn, ...
Island Press, 2013
Researchers and policymakers: travelers in parallel universes
RC Brownson, C Royer, R Ewing, TD McBride
American journal of preventive medicine 30 (2), 164-172, 2006
Urban sprawl as a risk factor in motor vehicle occupant and pedestrian fatalities
R Ewing, RA Schieber, CV Zegeer
American journal of public health 93 (9), 1541-1545, 2003
Quantitative analysis of urban form: a multidisciplinary review
K Clifton, R Ewing, GJ Knaap, Y Song
Journal of Urbanism 1 (1), 17-45, 2008
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