Brice Rolly
Brice Rolly
Académie de Nouméa
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Boosting the directivity of optical antennas with magnetic and electric dipolar resonant particles
B Rolly, B Stout, N Bonod
Optics Express 20 (18), 20376-20386, 2012
Promoting magnetic dipolar transition in trivalent lanthanide ions with lossless Mie resonances
B Rolly, B Bebey, S Bidault, B Stout, N Bonod
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (24), 245432, 2012
Accelerated single photon emission from dye molecule-driven nanoantennas assembled on DNA
MP Busson, B Rolly, B Stout, N Bonod, S Bidault
Nature communications 3 (1), 962, 2012
Optical and topological characterization of gold nanoparticle dimers linked by a single DNA double strand
MP Busson, B Rolly, B Stout, N Bonod, E Larquet, A Polman, S Bidault
Nano letters 11 (11), 5060-5065, 2011
Optimization of resonant effects in nanostructures via Weierstrass factorization
V Grigoriev, A Tahri, S Varault, B Rolly, B Stout, J Wenger, N Bonod
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 011803, 2013
Ultracompact and unidirectional metallic antennas
N Bonod, A Devilez, B Rolly, S Bidault, B Stout
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (11), 115429, 2010
Controllable emission of a dipolar source coupled with a magneto-dielectric resonant subwavelength scatterer
B Rolly, JM Geffrin, R Abdeddaim, B Stout, N Bonod
Scientific reports 3 (1), 3063, 2013
Multipole methods for nanoantennas design: applications to Yagi-Uda configurations
B Stout, A Devilez, B Rolly, N Bonod
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 28 (5), 1213-1223, 2011
Crucial role of the emitter–particle distance on the directivity of optical antennas
B Rolly, B Stout, S Bidault, N Bonod
Optics letters 36 (17), 3368-3370, 2011
Photonic engineering of hybrid metal–organic chromophores
MP Busson, B Rolly, B Stout, N Bonod, J Wenger, S Bidault
Angewandte Chemie 124 (44), 11245-11249, 2012
Metallic dimers: When bonding transverse modes shine light
B Rolly, B Stout, N Bonod
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (12), 125420, 2011
Multipolar effects on the dipolar polarizability of magneto-electric antennas
S Varault, B Rolly, G Boudarham, G Demésy, B Stout, N Bonod
Optics express 21 (14), 16444-16454, 2013
Dispersion relations in metal nanoparticle chains: necessity of the multipole approach
B Rolly, N Bonod, B Stout
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 29 (5), 1012-1019, 2012
Imaging the Gouy phase shift in photonic<? A3B2 show [pmg: line-break justify=" yes"/]?> jets with a wavefront sensor
P Bon, B Rolly, N Bonod, J Wenger, B Stout, S Monneret, H Rigneault
Optics letters 37 (17), 3531-3533, 2012
Laser–particle interactions in shaped beams: beam power normalization
B Stout, B Rolly, M Fall, J Hazart, N Bonod
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 126, 31-37, 2013
Enhanced fluorescence emission from resonant DNA assembled plasmonic nanoantennas loaded with single dye molecules
P Ghenuche, V Maillard, MP Busson, J de Torres, S Moparthi, B Rolly, ...
Nanolight 2014, 2014
Enhanced fluorescence from resonant DNA assembled plasmonic nanoantennas loaded with single dye molecules
P Ghenuche, V Maillard, J de Torres, MP Busson, B Rolly, S Moparthi, ...
13th international conference of Near-field Optics and Nanophotonics (NFO), 2014
Enhanced fluorescence emission from resonant DNA assembled plasmonic nanoantennas loaded with single dye molecules
V Maillard, P Ghenuche, MP Busson, J de Torres, B Rolly, B Stout, ...
SPIE Photonics Europe, 2014
Subwavelength photonic resonators for enhancing light-matter interactions
B Rolly
Aix-Marseille, 2013
Geometrical interpretation of Fano resonances in plasmonic nanostructures
V Grigoriev, S Varault, B Rolly, B Stout, J Wenger, N Bonod
Summer School On Plasmonics 3, 2013
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