Sam Coppieters
Sam Coppieters
Department Materials Engineering, KU Leuven
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Assessment of measuring errors in DIC using deformation fields generated by plastic FEA
P Lava, S Cooreman, S Coppieters, M De Strycker, D Debruyne
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 47 (7-8), 747-753, 2009
Identification of the post-necking hardening behaviour of sheet metal by comparison of the internal and external work in the necking zone
S Coppieters, S Cooreman, H Sol, P Van Houtte, D Debruyne
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 211 (3), 545-552, 2011
Identification of post-necking hardening phenomena in ductile sheet metal
S Coppieters, T Kuwabara
Experimental mechanics 54, 1355-1371, 2014
Application of a multi‐camera stereo dic set‐up to assess strain fields in an erichsen test: methodology and validation
Y Wang, P Lava, S Coppieters, PV Houtte, D Debruyne
Strain 49 (2), 190-198, 2013
Analytical method to predict the pull-out strength of clinched connections
S Coppieters, P Lava, S Baes, H Sol, P Van Houtte, D Debruyne
Thin-Walled Structures 52, 42-52, 2012
Impact of lens distortions on strain measurements obtained with 2D digital image correlation
P Lava, W Van Paepegem, S Coppieters, I De Baere, Y Wang, ...
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 51 (5), 576-584, 2013
Investigation of the uncertainty of DIC under heterogeneous strain states with numerical tests
Y Wang, P Lava, S Coppieters, M De Strycker, P Van Houtte, D Debruyne
Strain 48 (6), 453-462, 2012
Error estimation in measuring strain fields with DIC on planar sheet metal specimens with a non-perpendicular camera alignment
P Lava, S Coppieters, Y Wang, P Van Houtte, D Debruyne
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 49 (1), 57-65, 2011
Reproducing the experimental pull-out and shear strength of clinched sheet metal connections using FEA
S Coppieters, S Cooreman, P Lava, H Sol, PV Houtte, D Debruyne
International Journal of Material Forming 4, 429-440, 2011
Inverse identification of the post-necking work hardening behaviour of thick HSS through full-field strain measurements during diffuse necking
H Zhang, S Coppieters, C Jiménez-Peña, D Debruyne
Mechanics of Materials 129, 361-374, 2019
On the expansion of a circular hole in an orthotropic elastoplastic thin sheet
J Ha, S Coppieters, YP Korkolis
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 182, 105706, 2020
Numerical and experimental study of the multi-axial quasi-static strength of clinched connections
S Coppieters, P Lava, RV Hecke, S Cooreman, H Sol, PV Houtte, ...
International journal of material forming 6, 437-451, 2013
Multi-DIC setup for the identification of a 3D anisotropic yield surface of thick high strength steel using a double perforated specimen
K Denys, S Coppieters, M Seefeldt, D Debruyne
Mechanics of Materials 100, 96-108, 2016
Process-induced bottom defects in clinch forming: simulation and effect on the structural integrity of single shear lap specimens
S Coppieters, H Zhang, F Xu, N Vandermeiren, A Breda, D Debruyne
Materials & Design 130, 336-348, 2017
Equivalent modelling strategy for a clinched joint using a simple calibration method
A Breda, S Coppieters, D Debruyne
Thin-Walled Structures 113, 1-12, 2017
Parameter identification for anisotropic plasticity model using digital image correlation: Comparison between uni-axial and bi-axial tensile testing
D Lecompte, S Cooreman, S Coppieters, J Vantomme, H Sol, D Debruyne
European Journal of Computational Mechanics/Revue Européenne de Mécanique …, 2009
Parameter identifiability analysis: Mitigating the non-uniqueness issue in the inverse identification of an anisotropic yield function
Y Zhang, A Van Bael, A Andrade-Campos, S Coppieters
International Journal of Solids and Structures 243, 111543, 2022
On the synergy between physical and virtual sheet metal testing: calibration of anisotropic yield functions using a microstructure-based plasticity model
S Coppieters, T Hakoyama, P Eyckens, H Nakano, A Van Bael, ...
International Journal of Material Forming 12, 741-759, 2019
Testing methodologies for the calibration of advanced plasticity models for sheet metals: A review
M Rossi, A Lattanzi, L Morichelli, JMP Martins, S Thuillier, ...
Strain 58 (6), e12426, 2022
Assessment of fretting fatigue in high strength steel bolted connections with simplified Fe modelling techniques
VV Poovakaud, C Jiménez-Peña, R Talemi, S Coppieters, D Debruyne
Tribology International 143, 106083, 2020
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