Lisa Scordato
Lisa Scordato
Senior Advisor, Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education
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European universities as complete organizations? Understanding identity, hierarchy and rationality in public organizations
M Seeber, B Lepori, M Montauti, J Enders, H De Boer, E Weyer, I Bleiklie, ...
Public management review 17 (10), 1444-1474, 2015
Policy mixes for the sustainability transition of the pulp and paper industry in Sweden
L Scordato, A Klitkou, VE Tartiu, L Coenen
Journal of Cleaner Production 183, 1216-1227, 2018
Factors affecting strategic change in higher education
B Stensaker, N Frølich, J Huisman, E Waagene, L Scordato, ...
Journal of Strategy and Management 7 (2), 193-207, 2014
Measuring institutional diversity across higher education systems
J Huisman, B Lepori, M Seeber, N Frølich, L Scordato
Research Evaluation 24 (4), 369-379, 2015
Dimensions of research and innovation policies to address grand and global challenges
E Kallerud, E Amanatidou, P Upham, M Nieminen, A Klitkou, DS Olsen, ...
NIFU, 2013
Directionality across diversity: Governing contending policy rationales in the transition towards the bioeconomy
L Scordato, MM Bugge, AM Fevolden
Sustainability 9 (2), 206, 2017
Assessing the broader impacts of research: A review of methods and practices
L Langfeldt, L Scordato
NIFU, 2015
Et akademisk annerledesår: Konsekvenser og håndtering av koronapandemien ved norske universiteter og høgskoler
E Solberg, E Hovdhaugen, M Gulbrandsen, L Scordato, SM Svartefoss, ...
Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU, 2021
Efficiency and flexibility in research funding. A comparative study of funding instruments and review criteria
L Langfeldt, L Scordato
Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education, 2016
Path creation in Nordic energy and road transport systems–The role of technological characteristics
T Hansen, A Klitkou, M Borup, L Scordato, N Wessberg
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70, 551-562, 2017
13 Multi-level governance of food waste
J Szulecka, N Strøm-Andersen, L Scordato, E Skrivervik
From Waste to Value, 253, 2019
Walking the talk? Innovation policy approaches to unleash the transformative potentials of the Nordic bioeconomy
L Scordato, MM Bugge, T Hansen, A Tanner, O Wicken
Science and Public Policy 49 (2), 324-346, 2022
The Strategically Manageable University: Perceptions of Strategic Choice and Strategic Change among Key Decision Makers.
N Frølich, B Stensaker, L Scordato, PCP Bótas
Higher Education Studies 4 (5), 80-88, 2014
University characteristics and probabilities for funding of proposals in the European Framework Programs
FN Piro, P Børing, L Scordato, DW Aksnes
Science and Public Policy 47 (4), 581-593, 2020
Nordic energy technology scoreboard
A Klitkou, L Scordato, E Iversen
Norden-Nordic Energy Research, 2010
Resilience perspectives in sustainability transitions research: A systematic literature review
L Scordato, M Gulbrandsen
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 52, 100887, 2024
Høgskolenes rolle i regional utvikling, innovasjon og kommersialisering: En undersøkelse av de statlige høgskolene
OR Spilling, SB Borlaug, L Scordato, T Sveen
NIFU, 2014
Competitive policies in the Nordic Energy Research and Innovation Area: Technology reports
A Klitkou, TE Pedersen, L Scordato, Å Mariussen
NIFU STEP, Oslo, 2008
Choosing the right partners: Norwegian participation in European Framework Programmes
F Piro, L Scordato, DW Aksnes
Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU, 2016
Addressing global challenges through collaboration in science, technology and innovation
A Stamm, A Figueroa, L Scordato
Meeting Global Challenges through Better Governance, 25, 2012
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