Ronald Dekker
Ronald Dekker
Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)
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Flexible labor and innovation performance: evidence from longitudinal firm-level data
H Zhou, R Dekker, A Kleinknecht
Industrial and corporate change 20 (3), 941-968, 2011
Longitudinal poverty and income inequality a comparative panel study for the Netherlands, Germany and the UK
R Muffels, D Fouarge, R Dekker
Tilburg University OSA Working Paper, 2000
A longitudinal analysis of parttime work by women and men in the Netherlands
R Dekker, RJA Muffels, EGF Stancanelli
WORC, Work and Organization Research Centre, 1998
Fixed‐Term Contracts: Short‐Term Blessings or Long‐Term Scars? Empirical Findings from the N etherlands 1980–2000
I Mooi‐Reci, R Dekker
British Journal of Industrial Relations 53 (1), 112-135, 2015
Non-standard employment and mobility in the Dutch, German and British labour market
R Dekker
A phase they're going through': transitions for nonregular to regular jobs in Germany, The Netherlands and Great Britain
R Dekker
Unknown, 1-49, 2001
The EU framework programs: Are they worth doing?
R Dekker
Robotisering en automatisering op de werkvloer: Bedrijfskeuzes bij technologische innovaties
C Freese, R Dekker, L Kool, F Dekker, R van Est
Rathenau Instituut, 2018
The Dutch polder model: Resilience in times of crisis
R Dekker, S Bekker, J Cremers
Talking through the crisis: Social dialogue and industrial relations trends …, 2017
Gender and the labour market: Econometric evidence of obstacles to achieving gender equality
S Gustafsson, D Meulders
Macmillan, 2000
Flexibilisering: De balans opgemaakt
P De Beer, R Dekker, M Olsthoorn
Amsterdam: De Burcht, 2011
Een flexibele baan: opstap naar een vaste baan of eindstation?
RJA Muffels, R Dekker, EGF Stancanelli
Sociale Wetenschappen 42 (2), 43-66, 1999
Atypical Or Flexible?: How to Define Non-standard Employment Patterns: the Cases of Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
R Dekker, LC Kaiser
Institute for Social and Economic Research, 2000
Doorstroom van flexwerkers
R Dekker, H Houwing, L Kösters
Economisch-statistische berichten 97 (4628), 70-73, 2012
De ontmythologisering van de zzp-trend
R Dekker, L Kösters
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 27 (3), 2011
Het werkt niet vanzelf: Over loonprikkels als instrumenten in de Participatiewet
I Borghouts, R Dekker, C Freese, S Oomens, T Wilthagen
Celscus juridische uitgeverij, 2015
The impact of labour flexibility and HRM on innovation
H Zhou, R Dekker, A Kleinknecht
Innovation in business and enterprise: Technologies and frameworks, 150-161, 2010
Towards a methodology to monitor and analyse flexicurity (FLC) and work-life balance (WLB) policies in the Member States of the EU
R Muffels, T Wilthagen, H Chung, R Dekker
ReflecT Research Paper, 2010
Een zekere mate van zekerheid
R Dekker
Economisch-statistische berichten 97 (4647S), 6-9, 2012
Unemployment durations after temporary work: Evidence for Great Britain and Germany
R Dekker
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