Yunwei Ryan Li
Yunwei Ryan Li
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An accurate power control strategy for power-electronics-interfaced distributed generation units operating in a low-voltage multibus microgrid
YW Li, CN Kao
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 24 (12), 2977-2988, 2009
Overview of power management strategies of hybrid AC/DC microgrid
F Nejabatkhah, YW Li
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 30 (12), 7072-7089, 2014
Design, analysis, and real-time testing of a controller for multibus microgrid system
Y Li, DM Vilathgamuwa, PC Loh
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 19 (5), 1195-1204, 2004
Analysis, design, and implementation of virtual impedance for power electronics interfaced distributed generation
J He, YW Li
IEEE Transactions on industry Applications 47 (6), 2525-2538, 2011
Pulse-width modulation of Z-source inverters
PC Loh, DM Vilathgamuwa, YS Lai, GT Chua, Y Li
Conference Record of the 2004 IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 2004 …, 2004
An active damper for stabilizing power-electronics-based AC systems
X Wang, F Blaabjerg, M Liserre, Z Chen, J He, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (7), 3318-3329, 2013
Virtual-impedance-based control for voltage-source and current-source converters
X Wang, YW Li, F Blaabjerg, PC Loh
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (12), 7019-7037, 2014
An islanding microgrid power sharing approach using enhanced virtual impedance control scheme
J He, YW Li, JM Guerrero, F Blaabjerg, JC Vasquez
IEEE transactions on power electronics 28 (11), 5272-5282, 2013
Investigation and active damping of multiple resonances in a parallel-inverter-based microgrid
J He, YW Li, D Bosnjak, B Harris
IEEE Transactions on power Electronics 28 (1), 234-246, 2012
An enhanced microgrid load demand sharing strategy
J He, YW Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (9), 3984-3995, 2012
A flexible harmonic control approach through voltage-controlled DG–grid interfacing converters
J He, YW Li, MS Munir
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 59 (1), 444-455, 2011
Microgrid power quality enhancement using a three-phase four-wire grid-interfacing compensator
Y Li, DM Vilathgamuwa, PC Loh
IEEE transactions on industry applications 41 (6), 1707-1719, 2005
Generalized closed-loop control schemes with embedded virtual impedances for voltage source converters with LC or LCL filters
J He, YW Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (4), 1850-1861, 2011
Overview and comparison of modulation and control strategies for a nonresonant single-phase dual-active-bridge DC–DC converter
N Hou, YW Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (3), 3148-3172, 2019
Power management of inverter interfaced autonomous microgrid based on virtual frequency-voltage frame
Y Li, YW Li
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2 (1), 30-40, 2011
Control and Resonance Damping of Voltage-Source and Current-Source Converters WithFilters
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (5), 1511-1521, 2008
An enhanced islanding microgrid reactive power, imbalance power, and harmonic power sharing scheme
J He, YW Li, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (6), 3389-3401, 2014
Grid synchronization PLL based on cascaded delayed signal cancellation
YF Wang, YW Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (7), 1987-1997, 2010
A grid-interfacing power quality compensator for three-phase three-wire microgrid applications
YW Li, DM Vilathgamuwa, PC Loh
IEEE transactions on Power Electronics 21 (4), 1021-1031, 2006
Battery thermal-and health-constrained energy management for hybrid electric bus based on soft actor-critic DRL algorithm
J Wu, Z Wei, W Li, Y Wang, Y Li, DU Sauer
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (6), 3751-3761, 2020
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