Bruce Ferwerda
Bruce Ferwerda
Associate Professor, Jönköping University
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Fusing social media cues: personality prediction from twitter and instagram
M Skowron, B Ferwerda, M Tkalčič, M Schedl
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web, 2016
Predicting personality traits with instagram pictures
B Ferwerda, M Schedl, M Tkalcic
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized …, 2015
Using instagram picture features to predict users’ personality
B Ferwerda, M Schedl, M Tkalcic
MultiMedia Modeling: 22nd International Conference, MMM 2016, Miami, FL, USA …, 2016
Personality traits predict music taxonomy preferences
B Ferwerda, E Yang, M Schedl, M Tkalcic
Proceedings of the 33rd annual acm conference extended abstracts on human …, 2015
Enhancing Music Recommender Systems with Personality Information and Emotional States: A Proposal
B Ferwerda, M Schedl
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop Emotions and Personality in Personalized …, 2014
Predicting users' personality from Instagram pictures: using visual and/or content features?
B Ferwerda, M Tkalcic
Proceedings of the 26th conference on user modeling, adaptation and …, 2018
Personality traits and music genres: What do people prefer to listen to?
B Ferwerda, M Tkalcic, M Schedl
Proceedings of the 25th conference on user modeling, adaptation and …, 2017
Personality & Emotional States: Understanding Users' Music Listening Needs
B Ferwerda, M Schedl, M Tkalcic
Extended Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on User Modeling …, 2015
You are what you post: What the content of instagram pictures tells about users’ personality
B Ferwerda, M Tkalcic
The 23rd International on Intelligent User Interfaces, March 7-11, Tokyo, Japan, 2018
GitHub developers use rockstars to overcome overflow of news
MJ Lee, B Ferwerda, J Choi, J Hahn, JY Moon, J Kim
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 133-138, 2013
Personality-Based User Modeling for Music Recommender Systems
B Ferwerda, M Schedl
European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of …, 2016
Personality traits and music genre preferences: how music taste varies over age groups
B Ferwerda, M Tkalcic, M Schedl
1st Workshop on Temporal Reasoning in Recommender Systems (RecTemp) at the …, 2017
The influence of users’ personality traits on satisfaction and attractiveness of diversified recommendation lists
B Ferwerda, MP Graus, A Vall, M Tkalcic, M Schedl
4th Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems (EMPIRE …, 2016
Exploring Music Diversity Needs Across Countries
B Ferwerda, A Vall, M Tkalcic, M Schedl
User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 2016
Large-scale analysis of group-specific music genre taste from collaborative tags
M Schedl, B Ferwerda
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 479-482, 2017
Personalizing online educational tools
MJ Lee, B Ferwerda
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Workshop on Theory-Informed User Modeling for …, 2017
Personality Correlates for Digital Concert Program Notes
M Tkalcic, B Ferwerda, D Hauger, M Schedl
International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization …, 2015
How Item Discovery Enabled by Diversity Leads to Increased Recommendation List Attractiveness
B Ferwerda, M Graus, A Vall, M Tkalcic, M Schedl
The 32nd ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, 2017
Towards a user experience framework for business intelligence
M Eriksson, B Ferwerda
Journal of Computer Information Systems 61 (5), 428-437, 2021
Personality traits and the relationship with (non-) disclosure behavior on facebook
B Ferwerda, M Schedl, M Tkalcic
Proceedings of the 25th international conference companion on World Wide Web …, 2016
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