Laboratoire Laplace, INP-ENSEEIHT
Email yang diverifikasi di laplace.univ-tlse.fr
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Drastic bandwidth enhancement of bistable energy harvesters: Study of subharmonic behaviors and their stability robustness
T Huguet, A Badel, O Druet, M Lallart
Applied energy 226, 607-617, 2018
Orbit jump in bistable energy harvesters through buckling level modification
T Huguet, M Lallart, A Badel
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 128, 202-215, 2019
Exploiting bistable oscillator subharmonics for magnified broadband vibration energy harvesting
T Huguet, A Badel, M Lallart
Applied Physics Letters 111 (17), 2017
Bistable vibration energy harvester and SECE circuit: exploring their mutual influence
T Huguet, M Lallart, A Badel
Nonlinear Dynamics 97, 485-501, 2019
Parametric analysis for optimized piezoelectric bistable vibration energy harvesters
T Huguet, A Badel, M Lallart
Smart Materials and Structures 28 (11), 115009, 2019
Simple analytical models and analysis of bistable vibration energy harvesters
A Morel, L Charleux, Q Demouron, A Benhemou, D Gibus, C Saint-Martin, ...
Smart Materials and Structures 31 (10), 105016, 2022
Laser powder bed fusion applied to the manufacture of bulk or structured magnetic cores
V Baco-Carles, T Huguet, JF Llibre, V Baylac, I Pasquet, P Tailhades
journal of materials research and technology 18, 599-610, 2022
Vers une meilleure exploitation des dispositifs de récupération d’énergie vibratoire bistables: Analyse et utilisation de comportements originaux pour améliorer la bande passante
T Huguet
Université de Lyon, 2018
Device with deformable shell including an internal piezoelectric circuit
G Savelli, P Coronel, T Huguet
US Patent 10,350,461, 2019
Predictive lumped model for a tunable bistable piezoelectric energy harvester architecture
A Benhemou, D Gibus, T Huguet, A Morel, Q Demouron, C Saint-Martin, ...
Smart Materials and Structures 33 (4), 045033, 2024
Topology optimization for magnetic circuits with adjoint method in 3D
Z Houta, F Messine, T Huguet
Design approach for post-buckled beams in bistable piezoelectric energy harvesters
A Benhemou, T Huguet, D Gibus, A Carré, C Saint-Martin, É Roux, ...
2022 Wireless Power Week (WPW), 136-140, 2022
Perfomances evaluation of a 3D printed rotor for a synchronous reluctance machine
T Huguet, J Šafka, C Nadal, F Véle, M Ackermann, C Henaux
2021 IEEE International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement …, 2021
Finite element dq-model for MTPA flux control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor (SynRM)
R Delpoux, T Huguet, FB Argomedo, L Queval, JY Gauthier, Z Kader
2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 1-6, 2023
Predictive modelling approach for a piezoelectric bistable energy harvester architecture
A Benhemou, T Huguet, D Gibus, C Saint Martin, Q Demouron, A Morel, ...
2022 21st International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power …, 2022
Experimental loss segregation in a solid rotor induction motor
CAC Wengerkievicz, NJ Batistela, N Sadowski, T Huguet, Y Lefèvre
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications 21 …, 2022
Topology optimization for magnetic circuits with continuous adjoint method in 3D
Z Houta, F Messine, T Huguet
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2024
Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization-Based Topology Optimization of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Circuits with Mechanical Constraints
Z Houta, T Huguet, N Lebbe, F Messine
Mathematics 12 (8), 1147, 2024
Subharmonic orbits and their stability robustness to greatly enhance the bandwidth of bistable vibration energy harvesters
T Huguet, A Badel, O Druet, M Lallart
Smart Materials and Nondestructive Evaluation for Energy Systems IV 10601, 66-77, 2018
Conception rationnelle pour les interfaces fonctionnelles électromécaniques
T Migliaccio, F Pigache, T Huguet, P Jolivet
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