Shirley J. Dyke
Shirley J. Dyke
Coates Professor of Mechanical Eng, Professor of Civil and Construction Eng, Purdue University
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Phenomenological model for magnetorheological dampers
BF Spencer Jr, SJ Dyke, MK Sain, JD Carlson
Journal of engineering mechanics 123 (3), 230-238, 1997
Modeling and control of magnetorheological dampers for seismic response reduction
SJ Dyke, BF Spencer Jr, MK Sain, JD Carlson
Smart materials and structures 5 (5), 565, 1996
Semiactive control strategies for MR dampers: comparative study
LM Jansen, SJ Dyke
Journal of engineering mechanics 126 (8), 795-803, 2000
Benchmark control problems for seismically excited nonlinear buildings
Y Ohtori, RE Christenson, BF Spencer Jr, SJ Dyke
Journal of engineering mechanics 130 (4), 366-385, 2004
An experimental study of MR dampers for seismic protection
SJ Dyke, BF Spencer Jr, MK Sain, JD Carlson
Smart materials and structures 7 (5), 693, 1998
Vision‐based automated crack detection for bridge inspection
CM Yeum, SJ Dyke
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 30 (10), 759-770, 2015
Benchmark problems in structural control: Part I—Active mass driver system
BF Spencer Jr, SJ Dyke, HS Deoskar
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 27 (11), 1127-1139, 1998
Role of control-structure interaction in protective system design
SJ Dyke, BF Spencer Jr, P Quast, MK Sain
Journal of engineering mechanics 121 (2), 322-338, 1995
Natural excitation technique and eigensystem realization algorithm for phase I of the IASC-ASCE benchmark problem: Simulated data
JM Caicedo, SJ Dyke, EA Johnson
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 130 (1), 49-60, 2004
Phase I benchmark control problem for seismic response of cable-stayed bridges
SJ Dyke, JM Caicedo, G Turan, LA Bergman, S Hague
Journal of Structural Engineering 129 (7), 857-872, 2003
Seismic response reduction using magnetorheological dampers
SJ Dyke, BF Spencer Jr, MK Sain, JD Carlson
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 29 (1), 5530-5535, 1996
Cyber-physical codesign of distributed structural health monitoring with wireless sensor networks
G Hackmann, W Guo, G Yan, C Lu, S Dyke
Proceedings of the 1st ACM/IEEE international conference on cyber-physical …, 2010
Experimental verification of multiinput seismic control strategies for smart dampers
F Yi, SJ Dyke, JM Caicedo, JD Carlson
Journal of engineering Mechanics 127 (11), 1152-1164, 2001
Seismic control of a nonlinear benchmark building using smart dampers
O Yoshida, SJ Dyke
Journal of engineering mechanics 130 (4), 386-392, 2004
A comparison of semi-active control strategies for the MR damper
SJ Dyke, BF Spencer
Proceedings Intelligent Information Systems. IIS'97, 580-584, 1997
Acceleration feedback control of MDOF structures
SJ Dyke, BF Spencer Jr, P Quast, MK Sain, DC Kaspari Jr, TT Soong
Journal of engineering mechanics 122 (9), 907-918, 1996
Next generation benchmark control problem for seismically excited buildings
BF Spencer Jr, RE Christenson, SJ Dyke
Proceedings of the second world conference on structural control 2, 1135-1360, 1998
Structural health monitoring for flexible bridge structures using correlation and sensitivity of modal data
BH Koh, SJ Dyke
Computers & structures 85 (3-4), 117-130, 2007
Implementation of an active mass driver using acceleration feedback control
SJ Dyke, BF Spencer Jr, P Quast, DC Kaspari Jr, MK Sain
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 11 (5), 305-323, 1996
Experimental verification of semi-active structural control strategies using acceleration feedback
SJ Dyke, BF Spencer Jr, MK Sain, JD Carlson
Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Motion and Vibr. Control 3, 291-296, 1996
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