Morteza Taheri
Morteza Taheri
PhD Student of Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University
Email yang diverifikasi di birjand.ac.ir
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Modeling of weld bead geometry using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) in additive manufacturing
A Foorginejad, M Azargoman, N Mollayi, M Taheri
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 6 (1), 160-170, 2020
The influence of air inlet angle in swirl diffusers of UFAD system on distribution and deposition of indoor particles
M Taheri, SA Zolfaghari, M Afzalian, H Hassanzadeh
Building and Environment 191, 107613, 2021
Numerical investigation of the effects of fan-coil airflow direction on distribution and deposition of indoor pollutant particles
M Taheri, SA Zolfaghari, H Hassanzadeh, M Salmanzadeh
Journal of building engineering 33, 101547, 2021
Theoretical and experimental study for enhancement of filtration performance of nonwoven fibrous media by nonuniform compression
M Taheri, M Maerefat, M Zabetian, MH Saidi
Separation and Purification Technology 329, 125198, 2024
A non-destructive ultrasonic testing approach for measurement and modelling of tensile strength in rubbers
A Foorginejad, M Taheri, N Mollayi
International Journal of Engineering Transactions C: Aspects 33 (12), 2549-2555, 2020
Application of the extreme learning machine for modeling the bead geometry in gas metal arc welding process
A Foorginejad, M Azargoman, V Babaiyan, N Mollayi, M Taheri
AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation 51 (2), 121-130, 2019
Measurement and Modelling of the Rubber Resilience based on Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing in Tires
A Foorginejad, M Taheri, N Mollayi
AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation 50 (2), 165-170, 2018
Investigation of rubber formulation by measuring ultrasonic propagation velocity
M Taheri, A Foorginejad, M Shiva, SM Emam, A Haddadi
Journal of solid and fluid mechanics 6 (2), 285-294, 2016
Evaluating the effect of non-uniform summer wearing on local thermal sensation of passengers in a bus under two common ventilation systems
A Zolfaghari, H Hasanzadeh, M Taheri, M Raesi, M Afzalian
Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering 51 (4), 11-20, 2019
Tire hardness modeling based on longitudinal ultrasonic velocity using the Gaussian process regression
A Foorginejad, M Taheri, N Mollayi, M Shiva
Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering 51 (5), 1005-1016, 2019
Evaluation of the impact of fan coil airflow velocity on the micron particles distribution in the human breathing zone
M Taheri, A Zolfaghari, H Hasanzadeh, M Salmanzadeh
Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering 52 (6), 1675-1686, 2018
Cooling performance evaluation of overhead mixing and floor displacement ventilation systems inside a bus by using 65-nodes thermal comfort model
SA Zolfaghari, H Hassanzadeh, M Raeesi, M Taheri
Modares Mechanical Engineering 17 (2), 333-342, 2017
An Ensemble Random Forest Model to Predict Bead Geometry in GMAW Process
V Babaiyan, N Mollayi, M Taheri, M Azargoman
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems 21 (02), 393-410, 2022
Comparative Study of LS-SVM, RVM and ELM for Modelling of Electro-Discharge Coating Process.
M Taheri, N Mollayi, SA Seyyedbarzani, A Foorginejad, V Babaiyan
International Journal of Advanced Design & Manufacturing Technology 14 (1), 2021
Air Inlet Angle Effects in Swirling Diffuser of UFAD Systems on Micron Particles Pattern Distribution
M Taheri, M Afzalian, SA Zolfaghari, H Hassanzadeh
Modares Mechanical Engineering 19 (12), 3083-3093, 2019
Application of the Relevance Vector Machine for Modeling Surface Roughness in WEDM Process for Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy.
A Foorginejad, N Mollayi, M Taheri
International Journal of Advanced Design & Manufacturing Technology 11 (4), 2018
Reducing the undesirable effects of thermal asymmetry for a bus passengers by using airflow asymmetry under summer conditions
AR Zolfaghari, H Hassanzadeh, M Raeesi, M Taheri
Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics 8 (1), 135-146, 2018
Analysis of Nanoclay Reinforced Rubber Formulation Using Ultrasonic and Image Processing
A Foorginejad, SM Emam, M Taheri
Effect of arrangement of inlet air valves in a bus on energy consumption with considering thermal comfort
SA Zolfaghari, H Hassanzadeh, M Taheri
Modares Mechanical Engineering 16 (13), 175-179, 2017
A new quality control method for investigation formulation of a tread compound for passenger radial tires using ultrasonic wave propagation velocity
A Foorginejad, M Taheri
Journal of Acoustical Society of Iran 4 (2), 51-60, 2017
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