A survey on the contributions of software-defined networking to traffic engineering A Mendiola, J Astorga, E Jacob, M Higuero IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (2), 918-953, 2017 | 234 | 2017 |
FlowNAC: Flow-based network access control J Matias, J Garay, A Mendiola, N Toledo, E Jacob 2014 Third European Workshop on Software Defined Networks (EWSDN), 79-84, 2014 | 88 | 2014 |
Implementing layer 2 network virtualization using OpenFlow: Challenges and solutions J Matias, B Tornero, A Mendiola, E Jacob, N Toledo Software Defined Networking (EWSDN), 2012 European Workshop on, 30-35, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |
Multi-domain Software Defined Network: exploring possibilities Ł Podleski, E JACOB, J AZNAR-BARANDA, X JEANNIN, K BAUMANN, ... TNC 2014, 0 | 38* | |
DynPaC: A Path Computation Framework for SDN A Mendiola, J Astorga, E Jacob, M Higuero, A Urtasun, V Fuentes Software Defined Networks (EWSDN), 2015 Fourth European Workshop on, 119-120, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
Multi-domain bandwidth on demand service provisioning using SDN A Mendiola, J Astorga, E Jacob, K Stamos, A Juszczyk, K Dombek, ... 2016 IEEE NetSoft Conference and Workshops (NetSoft), 353-354, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Enhancing network resources utilization and resiliency in multi-domain bandwidth on demand service provisioning using SDN A Mendiola, J Astorga, E Jacob, K Stamos Telecommunication Systems, 1-11, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
The EHU-OEF: An OpenFlow-based Layer-2 experimental facility J Matias, A Mendiola, N Toledo, B Tornero, E Jacob Computer Networks 63, 101-127, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
Exploiting redundancy and path diversity for railway signalling resiliency I Lopez, M Aguado, D Ugarte, A Mendiola, M Higuero Intelligent Rail Transportation (ICIRT), 2016 IEEE International Conference …, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
Deploying SDN in GEANT production network PL Ventre, J Ortiz, A Mendiola, C Fernández, A Pavlidis, P Sharma, ... Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN …, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Integrating complex legacy systems under OpenFlow control: The DOCSIS use case V Fuentes, J Matias, A Mendiola, M Huarte, J Unzilla, E Jacob Software Defined Networks (EWSDN), 2014 Third European Workshop on, 37-42, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
An architecture for dynamic QoS management at Layer 2 for DOCSIS access networks using OpenFlow A Mendiola, V Fuentes, J Matias, J Astorga, N Toledo, E Jacob, M Huarte Computer Networks 94, 112-128, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Towards an SDN-based bandwidth on demand service for the European research community A Mendiola, J Astorga, J Ortiz, J Vuleta-Radoičić, A Juszczyk, K Stamos, ... Networked Systems (NetSys), 2017 International Conference on, 1-6, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
GÉANT SDX - SDN based Open eXchange Point PL Ventre, B Jakovljevic, D Schmitz, A Papazois, S Salsano, M Santuari, ... 2016 IEEE NetSoft Conference and Workshops (NetSoft), 345-346, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Deploying a virtual network function over a software defined network infrastructure: experiences deploying an access control VNF in the university of Basque Country's OpenFlow … E Jacob, J Matias, A Mendiola, V Fuentes, J Garay, C Pinedo TNC'14, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
Deploying a virtual network function over a software defined network infrastructure: experiences deploying an access control VNF in the university of Basque Country's OpenFlow … E Jacob, J Matias, A Mendiola, V Fuentes, J Garay, C Pinedo TNC'14, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
Deploying a virtual network function over a software defined network infrastructure: experiences deploying an access control VNF in the university of Basque Country's OpenFlow … E Jacob, J Matias, A Mendiola, V Fuentes, J Garay, C Pinedo TNC'14, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
An Advance Reservation System to Improve Network Resource Utilization in Software-Defined Networks A Mendiola, J Astorga, E Jacob, J Unzilla IEEE Access 8, 40512-40535, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Deliverable D13. 1 (DJ2. 1.1) Specialised Applications’ Support Utilising OpenFlow/SDN C Argyropoulos, B Arslan, J Aznar, K Baumann, K Dombek, E Escalona, ... GEANT, March, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
SDN Integration and Management Solutions for Campus Network Enhanced Services J Ortiz, A Mendiola, JI Aznar, K Giotis Proc. of 19 th Conference on Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks …, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |