Thomas Unold
Thomas Unold
Email yang diverifikasi di helmholtz-berlin.de
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Monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell with> 29% efficiency by enhanced hole extraction
A Al-Ashouri, E Köhnen, B Li, A Magomedov, H Hempel, P Caprioglio, ...
Science 370 (6522), 1300-1309, 2020
Visualization and suppression of interfacial recombination for high-efficiency large-area pin perovskite solar cells
M Stolterfoht, CM Wolff, JA Márquez, S Zhang, CJ Hages, D Rothhardt, ...
Nature Energy 3 (10), 847-854, 2018
Conformal monolayer contacts with lossless interfaces for perovskite single junction and monolithic tandem solar cells
A Al-Ashouri, A Magomedov, M Roß, M Jošt, M Talaikis, G Chistiakova, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 12 (11), 3356-3369, 2019
The impact of energy alignment and interfacial recombination on the internal and external open-circuit voltage of perovskite solar cells
M Stolterfoht, P Caprioglio, CM Wolff, JA Márquez, J Nordmann, S Zhang, ...
Energy & environmental science 12 (9), 2778-2788, 2019
Photoluminescence‐based characterization of halide perovskites for photovoltaics
T Kirchartz, JA Márquez, M Stolterfoht, T Unold
Advanced energy materials 10 (26), 1904134, 2020
On the relation between the open‐circuit voltage and quasi‐fermi level splitting in efficient perovskite solar cells
P Caprioglio, M Stolterfoht, CM Wolff, T Unold, B Rech, S Albrecht, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (33), 1901631, 2019
Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film solar cells by fast coevaporation
BA Schubert, B Marsen, S Cinque, T Unold, R Klenk, S Schorr, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 19 (1), 93-96, 2011
Open-circuit voltages exceeding 1.26 V in planar methylammonium lead iodide perovskite solar cells
Z Liu, L Krückemeier, B Krogmeier, B Klingebiel, JA Márquez, ...
ACS Energy Letters 4 (1), 110-117, 2018
Interpretation of admittance, capacitance-voltage, and current-voltage signatures in Cu (In, Ga) Se2 thin film solar cells
T Eisenbarth, T Unold, R Caballero, CA Kaufmann, HW Schock
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (3), 2010
Beyond bulk lifetimes: insights into lead halide perovskite films from time-resolved photoluminescence
F Staub, H Hempel, JC Hebig, J Mock, UW Paetzold, U Rau, T Unold, ...
Physical Review Applied 6 (4), 044017, 2016
Optical control of excitons in a pair of quantum dots coupled by the dipole-dipole interaction
T Unold, K Mueller, C Lienau, T Elsaesser, AD Wieck
Physical review letters 94 (13), 137404, 2005
An open-access database and analysis tool for perovskite solar cells based on the FAIR data principles
TJ Jacobsson, A Hultqvist, A García-Fernández, A Anand, A Al-Ashouri, ...
Nature Energy 7 (1), 107-115, 2022
Cliff-like conduction band offset and KCN-induced recombination barrier enhancement at the CdS/Cu2ZnSnS4 thin-film solar cell heterojunction
M Bär, BA Schubert, B Marsen, RG Wilks, S Pookpanratana, M Blum, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (22), 2011
Charge transfer rates and electron trapping at buried interfaces of perovskite solar cells
I Levine, A Al-Ashouri, A Musiienko, H Hempel, A Magomedov, ...
Joule 5 (11), 2915-2933, 2021
Improved performance of Ge‐alloyed CZTGeSSe thin‐film solar cells through control of elemental losses
CJ Hages, S Levcenco, CK Miskin, JH Alsmeier, D Abou‐Ras, RG Wilks, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 23 (3), 376-384, 2015
21.6%-Efficient Monolithic Perovskite/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Tandem Solar Cells with Thin Conformal Hole Transport Layers for Integration on Rough Bottom Cell Surfaces
M Jošt, T Bertram, D Koushik, JA Marquez, MA Verheijen, ...
ACS Energy Letters 4 (2), 583-590, 2019
Understanding Performance Limiting Interfacial Recombination in pin Perovskite Solar Cells
J Warby, F Zu, S Zeiske, E Gutierrez‐Partida, L Frohloff, S Kahmann, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (12), 2103567, 2022
Tuning halide perovskite energy levels
L Canil, T Cramer, B Fraboni, D Ricciarelli, D Meggiolaro, A Singh, M Liu, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (3), 1429-1438, 2021
Optical Stark effect in a quantum dot: ultrafast control of single exciton polarizations
T Unold, K Mueller, C Lienau, T Elsaesser, AD Wieck
Physical Review Letters 92 (15), 157401, 2004
The doping mechanism of halide perovskite unveiled by alkaline earth metals
N Phung, R Félix, D Meggiolaro, A Al-Ashouri, G Sousa e Silva, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (5), 2364-2374, 2020
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