Dimitri DUBOIS
Dimitri DUBOIS
Centre d'Economie de l'Environnement de Montpellier (CEE-M)
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Optimization incentive and relative riskiness in experimental stag-hunt games
D Dubois, M Willinger, P Van Nguyen
International Journal of Game Theory 41, 369-380, 2012
Men increase contributions to a public good when under sexual competition
A Tognetti, D Dubois, C Faurie, M Willinger
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 29819, 2016
Population preferences for inclusive COVID-19 policy responses
T Blayac, D Dubois, S Duchêne, P Nguyen-Van, B Ventelou, M Willinger
The Lancet Public Health 6 (1), e9, 2021
Does players’ identification affect trust and reciprocity in the lab?
D Dubois, M Willinger, T Blayac
Journal of Economic Psychology 33 (1), 303-317, 2012
Understanding cross-cultural differences in peer reporting practices: evidence from tax evasion games in Moldova and France
R Romaniuc, D Dubois, E Dimant, A Lupusor, V Prohnitchi
Public Choice 190 (1), 127-147, 2022
Whistleblowing vs. random audit: an experimental test of relative efficiency
C Bazart, M Beaud, D Dubois
Kyklos 73 (1), 47-67, 2020
When Allais meets Ulysses: Dynamic axioms and the common ratio effect
A Nebout, D Dubois
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 48 (1), 19-49, 2014
The perils of democracy
GJ DeAngelo, D Dubois, R Romaniuc
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 175, 328-340, 2020
What drives the acceptability of restrictive health policies: An experimental assessment of individual preferences for anti-COVID 19 strategies
T Blayac, D Dubois, S Duchêne, P Nguyen-Van, B Ventelou, M Willinger
Economic Modelling 116, 106047, 2022
Relational quality and uncertainty in common pool water management: an exploratory lab experiment
M Brugnach, S De Waard, D Dubois, S Farolfi
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 15188, 2021
The smell of cooperativeness: Do human body odours advertise cooperative behaviours?
A Tognetti, V Durand, D Dubois, M Barkat‐Defradas, A Hopfensitz, ...
British Journal of Psychology 113 (2), 531-546, 2022
Risk-return trade-offs in the context of environmental impact: a lab-in-the-field experiment with finance professionals
S Duchêne, A Nguyen-Huu, D Dubois, M Willinger
CEE-M, Center for Environmental Economics, 2022
Continuous versus discrete time in dynamic common pool resource game experiments
M Djiguemde, D Dubois, A Sauquet, M Tidball
Environmental and Resource Economics 82 (4), 985-1014, 2022
Stated preferences outperform elicited preferences for predicting compliance with Covid-19 prophylactic measures
I Rafaï, T Blayac, D Dubois, S Duchêne, P Nguyen Van, B Ventelou, ...
Available at SSRN 4031918, 2022
Stated preferences outperform elicited preferences for predicting reported compliance with Covid-19 prophylactic measures
I Rafaï, T Blayac, D Dubois, S Duchêne, P Nguyen-Van, B Ventelou, ...
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 107, 102089, 2023
Participation in competitive sports closes gender gaps in competition and in risk taking
M Willinger, D Dubois, S Bravaccini
Journal of Sports Economics 24 (1), 97-133, 2023
Why finance professionals hold green and brown assets? A lab-in-the-field experiment [Pourquoi investir dans le vert et le brun? Une expérience sur des professionnels de la …
S Duchêne, A Nguyen-Huu, D Dubois, M Willinger
HAL Working Papers, 2021
Designing acceptable anti-COVID-19 policies by taking into account individuals' preferences: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment
T Blayac, D Dubois, S Duchene, NV Phu, B Ventelou, M Willinger
EconomiX-UMR7235, Université Paris Nanterre, 2021
Contrasting effects of information sharing on common-pool resource extraction behavior: Experimental findings
D Dubois, S Farolfi, P Nguyen-Van, J Rouchier
PloS one 15 (10), e0240212, 2020
Risk and inequality aversion in social dilemmas
B Magdalou, D Dubois, P Nguyen-Van
LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier Working Papers, 2009
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