Daniel Varjas
Daniel Varjas
Researcher at IFW-Dresden
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Topological phases without crystalline counterparts
D Varjas, A Lau, K Pöyhönen, AR Akhmerov, DI Pikulin, IC Fulga
Physical review letters 123 (19), 196401, 2019
Magnetoelasticity in CrO spinel oxides ( Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu)
V Kocsis, S Bordács, D Varjas, K Penc, A Abouelsayed, CA Kuntscher, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (6), 064416, 2013
Magnetic-Order-Induced Crystal Symmetry Lowering in Ferrimagnetic Spinels
S Bordács, D Varjas, I Kézsmárki, G Mihály, L Baldassarre, ...
Physical review letters 103 (7), 077205, 2009
Observation of spin-momentum locked surface states in amorphous Bi2Se3
P Corbae, S Ciocys, D Varjas, E Kennedy, S Zeltmann, M Molina-Ruiz, ...
Nature Materials 22 (2), 200-206, 2023
Orbital Contributions to the Electron Factor in Semiconductor Nanowires
GW Winkler, D Varjas, R Skolasinski, AA Soluyanov, M Troyer, M Wimmer
Physical review letters 119 (3), 037701, 2017
Bulk invariants and topological response in insulators and superconductors with nonsymmorphic symmetries
D Varjas, F de Juan, YM Lu
Physical Review B 92 (19), 195116, 2015
Topological Weaire–Thorpe models of amorphous matter
Q Marsal, D Varjas, AG Grushin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (48), 30260-30265, 2020
Qsymm: Algorithmic symmetry finding and symmetric Hamiltonian generation
D Varjas, TÖ Rosdahl, AR Akhmerov
New Journal of Physics 20 (9), 093026, 2018
Computation of topological phase diagram of disordered using the kernel polynomial method
D Varjas, M Fruchart, AR Akhmerov, PM Perez-Piskunow
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013229, 2020
Influence of lattice termination on the edge states of the quantum spin Hall insulator monolayer
A Lau, R Ray, D Varjas, AR Akhmerov
Physical Review Materials 3 (5), 054206, 2019
Dynamical piezoelectric and magnetopiezoelectric effects in polar metals from berry phases and orbital moments
D Varjas, AG Grushin, R Ilan, JE Moore
Physical Review Letters 117 (25), 257601, 2016
Topological lattice models with constant Berry curvature
D Varjas, A Abouelkomsan, K Yang, E Bergholtz
SciPost Physics 12 (4), 118, 2022
Non-Hermitian topology in monitored quantum circuits
C Fleckenstein, A Zorzato, D Varjas, EJ Bergholtz, JH Bardarson, A Tiwari
Physical Review Research 4 (3), L032026, 2022
Spin–orbit interaction and induced superconductivity in a one-dimensional hole gas
FK De Vries, J Shen, RJ Skolasinski, MP Nowak, D Varjas, L Wang, ...
Nano letters 18 (10), 6483-6488, 2018
Amorphous topological phases protected by continuous rotation symmetry
H Spring, AR Akhmerov, D Varjas
SciPost Physics 11 (2), 022, 2021
Chiral Luttinger liquids and a generalized Luttinger theorem in fractional quantum Hall edges via finite-entanglement scaling
D Varjas, MP Zaletel, JE Moore
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (15), 155314, 2013
Interplay between boundary conditions and Wilson's mass in Dirac-like Hamiltonians
AL Araújo, RP Maciel, RGF Dornelas, D Varjas, GJ Ferreira
Physical Review B 100 (20), 205111, 2019
Space group constraints on weak indices in topological insulators
D Varjas, F De Juan, YM Lu
Physical Review B 96 (3), 035115, 2017
Obstructed insulators and flat bands in topological phase-change materials
Q Marsal, D Varjas, AG Grushin
Physical Review B 107 (4), 045119, 2023
Exceptional dynamics of interacting spin liquids
K Yang, D Varjas, EJ Bergholtz, S Morampudi, F Wilczek
Physical Review Research 4 (4), L042025, 2022
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