Stephen Billups
Stephen Billups
Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Colorado Denver
Email yang diverifikasi di ucdenver.edu
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Algorithm 652: HOMPACK: A suite of codes for globally convergent homotopy algorithms
LT Watson, SC Billups, AP Morgan
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 13 (3), 281-310, 1987
Complementarity problems
SC Billups, KG Murty
Journal of computational and Applied Mathematics 124 (1-2), 303-318, 2000
A comparison of large scale mixed complementarity problem solvers
SC Billups, SP Dirkse, MC Ferris
Computational Optimization and Applications 7, 3-25, 1997
A dynamic model of differential human capital and criminal activity
HN Mocan, SC Billups, J Overland
Economica 72 (288), 655-681, 2005
Algorithms for complementarity problems and generalized equations
SC Billups
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995
Stochastic derivative-free optimization using a trust region framework
J Larson, SC Billups
Computational Optimization and applications 64, 619-645, 2016
QPCOMP: A quadratic programming based solver for mixed complementarity problems
SC Billups, MC Ferris
Mathematical Programming 76 (3), 533-562, 1997
Derivative-free optimization of expensive functions with computational error using weighted regression
SC Billups, J Larson, P Graf
SIAM Journal on Optimization 23 (1), 27-53, 2013
ProxECAT: Proxy External Controls Association Test. A new case-control gene region association test using allele frequencies from public controls
AE Hendricks, SC Billups, HNC Pike, IS Farooqi, E Zeggini, SA Santorico, ...
PLoS genetics 14 (10), e1007591, 2018
A homotopy-based algorithm for mixed complementarity problems
SC Billups
SIAM Journal on Optimization 12 (3), 583-605, 2002
Reference manual for the CONTAIN 1. 1 code for containment severe accident analysis
KE Washington, KK Murata, RG Gido, F Gelbard, NA Russell, SC Billups, ...
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC (United States). Div. of …, 1991
An augmented Jacobian matrix algorithm for tracking homotopy zero curves
SC Billups
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985
Solving the canonical dual of box-and integer-constrained nonconvex quadratic programs via a deterministic direct search algorithm
DY Gao, LT Watson, DR Easterling, WI Thacker, SC Billups
Optimization Methods and Software 28 (2), 313-326, 2013
A probability-one homotopy algorithm for nonsmooth equations and mixed complementarity problems
SC Billups, LT Watson
SIAM Journal on Optimization 12 (3), 606-626, 2002
Identifying significant temporal variation in time course microarray data without replicates
SC Billups, MC Neville, M Rudolph, W Porter, P Schedin
BMC bioinformatics 10, 1-14, 2009
An iterative method for generalized set-valued nonlinear mixed quasi-variational inequalities
E Al-Shemas, SC Billups
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 170 (2), 423-432, 2004
Convergence of an infeasible interior-point algorithm from arbitrary positive starting points
SC Billups, MC Ferris
SIAM Journal on Optimization 6 (2), 316-325, 1996
Probability-one homotopy maps for mixed complementarity problems
K Ahuja, LT Watson, SC Billups
Computational Optimization and Applications 41, 363-375, 2008
Improving the robustness of descent-based methods for semismooth equations using proximal perturbations
SC Billups
Mathematical Programming 87, 153-175, 2000
A comparison of algorithms for large scale mixed complementarity problems
SC Billups, SP Dirkse, MC Ferris
University of Colorado at Denver, 1995
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