Daniel Martin
Daniel Martin
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The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: estimates, patterns, and threats
M Coll, C Piroddi, J Steenbeek, K Kaschner, F Ben Rais Lasram, J Aguzzi, ...
PloS one 5 (8), e11842, 2010
An ecological perspective on the deployment and design of low-crested and other hard coastal defence structures
L Airoldi, M Abbiati, MW Beck, SJ Hawkins, PR Jonsson, D Martin, ...
Coastal engineering 52 (10-11), 1073-1087, 2005
Symbiotic polychaetes: review of known species
D Martin, TA Britayev
Oceanography and Marine Biology: an annual review 36, 217-340, 1998
Ecological impact of coastal defence structures on sediment and mobile fauna: evaluating and forecasting consequences of unavoidable modifications of native habitats
D Martin, F Bertasi, MA Colangelo, M de Vries, M Frost, SJ Hawkins, ...
Coastal engineering 52 (10-11), 1027-1051, 2005
Biological activity of extracts from some Mediterranean macrophytes
E Ballesteros, D Martin, MJ Uriz
Botanica Marina 35 (6), 481-486, 1992
The sponge population of the Cabrera Archipelago (Balearic Islands): characteristics, distribution, and abundance of the most representative species
MJ Uriz, D Rosell, D Martín
Marine Ecology 13 (2), 101-117, 1992
Seasonal dynamics of macroinfaunal key species inhabiting shallow soft-bottoms in the Bay of Blanes (NW Mediterranean)
R Sardá, S Pinedo, D Martin
Acta Oecologica 20 (4), 315-326, 1999
Integrated study of Mediterranean deep canyons: Novel results and future challenges Preface
M Canals, Company, JB, D Martin, A Sanchez-Vidal, E Ramirez-Llodra
Integrated study of Mediterranean deep canyons: Novel results and future challenges
M Canals, JB Company, D Martin, A Sanchez-Vidal, E Ramirez-Llodra
Progress in Oceanography 118, 1-27, 2013
An approach to the ecological significance of chemically mediated activity in Mediterranean benthic communities
MJ Uriz, D Martin, X Turon, E Ballesteros, R Hughues, C Acebal
Marine Ecology Progress Series 70 (2), 175-188, 1991
Comparison of benthic foraminifera and macrofaunal indicators of the impact of oil-based drill mud disposal
M Denoyelle, FJ Jorissen, D Martin, F Galgani, J Miné
Marine pollution bulletin 60 (11), 2007-2021, 2010
Relationships of biological and taxonomic characteristics to chemically mediated bioactivity in Mediterranean littoral sponges
MJ Uriz, D Martin, D Rosell
Marine Biology 113 (2), 287-297, 1992
Symbiotic polychaetes revisited: an update of the known species and relationships (1998–2017)
D Martin, TA Britayev
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 56, 371-448, 2018
Chemical bioactivity of Mediterranean benthic organisms against embryos and larvae of marine invertebrates
D Martin, MJ Uriz
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and ·cology 173 (1), 11-27, 1993
Polychaetes associated to a Cymodocea nodosa meadow in the Canary Islands: assemblage structure, temporal variability and vertical distribution compared to other Mediterranean …
MC Brito, D Martin, J Núñez
Marine Biology 146 (3), 467-481, 2005
Populations of Streblospio (Polychaeta: Spionidae) in temperate zones: demography and production
R Sardá, D Martin
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 73 (4 …, 1993
Infestation by excavating sponges on the oyster (Ostrea edulis) populations of the Blanes littoral zone (north-western Mediterranean Sea)
D Rosell, MJ Uriz, D Martin
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 79 (3 …, 1999
New symbiotic associations involving Syllidae (Annelida: Polychaeta), with taxonomic and biological remarks on Pionosyllis magnifica and Syllis cf. armillaris
E López, TA Britayev, D Martin, G San Martín
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 81 (03), 399-409, 2001
Features of spatial distribution of benthic infauna in a Mediterranean shallow-water bay
C Palacín, D Martin, JM Gili
Marine Biology 110 (2), 315-321, 1991
Inter-population variability and character description in the sponge-associated Haplosyllis spongicola complex (Polychaeta: Syllidae)
D Martin, TA Britayev, GS Martín, J Gil
Advances in Polychaete Research: Proceedings of the 7th International …, 2003
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