Alexia Roux-Sibilon
Alexia Roux-Sibilon
Université Clermont-Auvergne, France
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Scene and human face recognition in the central vision of patients with glaucoma
A Roux-Sibilon, F Rutge, F Aptel, A Attye, N Guyader, M Boucart, ...
PloS one 13 (2), 2018
Rapid scene categorization: From coarse peripheral vision to fine central vision
A Trouilloud, L Kauffmann, A Roux-Sibilon, P Rossel, M Boucart, ...
Vision Research 170, 60-72, 2020
How does information from low and high spatial frequencies interact during scene categorization?
L Kauffmann, A Roux-Sibilon, B Beffara, M Mermillod, N Guyader, ...
Visual Cognition 25 (9-10), 853-867, 2017
Influence of peripheral vision on object categorization in central vision
A Roux-Sibilon, A Trouilloud, L Kauffmann, N Guyader, M Mermillod, ...
Journal of Vision 19 (14), 7-7, 2019
Aging modulates fronto-temporal cortical interactions during lexical production. A dynamic causal modeling study
E Hoyau, A Roux-Sibilon, N Boudiaf, C Pichat, E Cousin, A Krainik, ...
Brain and language 184, 11-19, 2018
Scene perception in age-related macular degeneration: Effect of spatial frequencies and contrast in residual vision
C Peyrin, S Ramanoël, A Roux-Sibilon, S Chokron, R Hera
Vision research 130, 36-47, 2017
It makes sense, so I see it better! Contextual information about the visual environment increases its perceived sharpness.
P Rossel, C Peyrin, A Roux-Sibilon, L Kauffmann
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance, 2022
Dorsal and ventral stream contribution to the paired-object affordance effect
A Roux-Sibilon, S Kalénine, C Pichat, C Peyrin
Neuropsychologia 112, 125-134, 2018
Influence of physical features from peripheral vision on scene categorization in central vision
A Trouilloud, P Rossel, C Faurite, A Roux-Sibilon, L Kauffmann, C Peyrin
Visual Cognition 30 (6), 425-442, 2022
Semantic and Physical Properties of Peripheral Vision Are Used for Scene Categorization in Central Vision
C Peyrin, A Roux-Sibilon, A Trouilloud, S Khazaz, M Joly, C Pichat, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33 (5), 799-813, 2021
Radial bias in face identification
A Roux-Sibilon, C Peyrin, J Greenwood, V Goffaux
PsyArXiv, 2022
Reconnaissance visuelle: Etude de l'influence de la vision périphérique dans le cadre d'un modèle fréquentiel prédictif
A Roux-Sibilon
Université Grenoble Alpes [2020-....], 2020
Horizontal face information is the main gateway to the shape and surface cues to familiar face identity
H Dumont, A Roux-Sibilon, V Goffaux
PloS one 19 (10), e0311225, 2024
Scene context influences gaze orientation on objects in peripheral vision
E Aprile, N Guyader, A Roux-Sibilon, L Kauffmann, C Peyrin
Forum annuel du GDR Vision (GDR Vision 2024), 2024
Does the radial bias influence fast saccades towards faces in the periphery
M Grandjean, L Kauffmann, C Letesson, E Kurnaz, A Roux-Sibilon, ...
European Conference for Visual Perception (ECVP), 2024
Edges and Shading: Critical cues accounting for the horizontal tuning of face identification
H Dumont, V Goffaux, A Roux-Sibilon
PERCEPTION 51, 25-26, 2022
Expectations based on prior knowledge sharpen the perceived visual signal as its reliability decreases
P Rossel, C Peyrin, A Roux-Sibilon, L Kauffmann
ECVP 2022-44th edition of the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2022
The influence of peripheral vision during scene categorization
A Trouilloud, P Rossel, C Faurite, A Roux-Sibilon, L Kauffmann, C Peyrin
PERCEPTION 50 (1_ SUPPL), 233-234, 2021
Radial biases influence face identification in the periphery
A Roux-Sibilon, C Peyrin, AG John, V Goffaux
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2594-2594, 2021
Untangling human face identity based on horizontal information
H Dumont, A Roux-Sibilon, C Jacobs, V Goffaux
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2774-2774, 2021
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