Andrew Behnke
Andrew Behnke
Director of School of FCS @ Texas State University
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Educational and occupational aspirations of Latino youth and their parents
AO Behnke, KW Piercy, M Diversi
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 26 (1), 16-35, 2004
Adolescent perceptions of parental behaviors, adolescent self-esteem, and adolescent depressed mood
SW Plunkett, CS Henry, LC Robinson, A Behnke, PC Falcon
Journal of child and family studies 16, 760-772, 2007
The relationship between Latino adolescents’ perceptions of discrimination, neighborhood risk, and parenting on self-esteem and depressive symptoms
AO Behnke, SW Plunkett, T Sands, MY Bámaca-Colbert
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 42 (7), 1179-1197, 2011
Adolescents’ reports of parental engagement and academic achievement in immigrant families
SW Plunkett, AO Behnke, T Sands, BY Choi
Journal of youth and adolescence 38, 257-268, 2009
Family cohesion in the lives of Mexican American and European American parents
AO Behnke, SM MacDermid, SL Coltrane, RD Parke, S Duffy, ...
Journal of Marriage and Family 70 (4), 1045-1059, 2008
Latino students in new arrival states: Factors and services to prevent youth from dropping out
AO Behnke, LM Gonzalez, RB Cox
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 32 (3), 385-409, 2010
Fathering across the border: Latino fathers in Mexico and the US
BA Taylor, A Behnke
Fathering 3 (2), 99-120, 2005
“I hardly understand English, but…”: Mexican origin fathers describe their commitment as fathers despite the challenges of immigration
AO Behnke, BA Taylor, JR Parra-Cardona
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 39 (2), 187-205, 2008
Is all parental “noninvolvement” equal? Barriers to involvement and their relationship to Latino academic achievement
JD Alexander, RB Cox Jr, A Behnke, RE Larzelere
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 39 (2), 169-179, 2017
The role of online communication in the lives of military spouses
J Rea, A Behnke, N Huff, K Allen
Contemporary Family Therapy 37, 329-339, 2015
Creating programs to help Latino youth thrive at school: The influence of Latino parent involvement programs
AO Behnke, C Kelly
The Journal of Extension 49 (1), 7, 2011
Fatherhood stories: Grandparents, grandchildren, and gender differences
TL Goodsell, JS Bates, AO Behnke
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 28 (1), 134-154, 2011
Neighborhood structural qualities, adolescents’ perceptions of neighborhoods, and Latino youth development
SW Plunkett, S Abarca-Mortensen, AO Behnke, T Sands
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 29 (1), 19-34, 2007
What would they do? Latino church leaders and domestic violence
AO Behnke, N Ames, TU Hancock
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 27 (7), 1259-1275, 2012
Prevalence and factors associated with food insecurity among older adults in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review
S Saha, A Behnke, W Oldewage-Theron, N Mubtasim, M Miller
Journal of nutrition in gerontology and geriatrics 40 (4), 171-196, 2021
Protecting rural church-going immigrant women from family violence
TU Hancock, N Ames, AO Behnke
Journal of Family Violence 29, 323-332, 2014
Association between diet and symptoms of anxiety and depression in college students: A systematic review
S Saha, H Okafor, L Biediger-Friedman, A Behnke
Journal of American college health 71 (4), 1270-1280, 2023
Family well-being
A Behnke, S MacDermid
Basic concepts and definitions. Encyclopaedic brief. Boston College: Sloan …, 2004
Integrating life skills into relationship and marriage education: The essential life skills for military families program
EB Carroll, DK Orthner, A Behnke, CM Smith, S Day, M Raburn
Family Relations 62 (4), 559-570, 2013
Parenting behaviors, neighborhood quality, and substance use in 9th and 10th grade Latino males
CS Henry, MY Bámaca-Colbert, C Liu, SW Plunkett, BL Kern, AO Behnke, ...
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, 4103-4115, 2018
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