Jacqueline Robinson
Jacqueline Robinson
Postdoctoral Scholar, UCSF
Email yang diverifikasi di ucsf.edu - Beranda
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Genomic Flatlining in the Endangered Island Fox
JA Robinson, D Ortega-Del Vecchyo, Z Fan, BY Kim, BM vonHoldt, ...
Current Biology 26 (9), 1183-1189, 2016
Genomic signatures of extensive inbreeding in Isle Royale wolves, a population on the threshold of extinction
JA Robinson, J Räikkönen, LM Vucetich, JA Vucetich, RO Peterson, ...
Science Advances 5 (5), eaau0757, 2019
Genome-wide evidence reveals that African and Eurasian golden jackals are distinct species
KP Koepfli, J Pollinger, R Godinho, J Robinson, A Lea, S Hendricks, ...
Current biology 25 (16), 2158-2165, 2015
Purging of strongly deleterious mutations explains long-term persistence and absence of inbreeding depression in island foxes
JA Robinson, C Brown, BY Kim, KE Lohmueller, RK Wayne
Current Biology 28 (21), 3487-3494. e4, 2018
Whole-genome sequence analysis shows that two endemic species of North American wolf are admixtures of the coyote and gray wolf
BM vonHoldt, JA Cahill, Z Fan, I Gronau, J Robinson, JP Pollinger, ...
Science Advances 2 (7), e1501714, 2016
The critically endangered vaquita is not doomed to extinction by inbreeding depression
JA Robinson, CC Kyriazis, SF Nigenda-Morales, AC Beichman, ...
Science 376 (6593), 635-639, 2022
Reference genome and demographic history of the most endangered marine mammal, the vaquita
PA Morin, FI Archer, CD Avila, JR Balacco, YV Bukhman, W Chow, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 21 (4), 1008-1020, 2021
Deleterious variation in natural populations and implications for conservation genetics
J Robinson, CC Kyriazis, SC Yuan, KE Lohmueller
Annual review of animal biosciences 11 (1), 93-114, 2023
Genetics and extinction and the example of Isle Royale wolves
PW Hedrick, JA Robinson, RO Peterson, JA Vucetich
Animal Conservation 22 (3), 302-309, 2019
Targeted capture and resequencing of 1040 genes reveal environmentally driven functional variation in grey wolves
RM Schweizer, J Robinson, R Harrigan, P Silva, M Galverni, M Musiani, ...
Molecular ecology 25 (1), 357-379, 2016
Selection against admixture and gene regulatory divergence in a long-term primate field study
TP Vilgalys, AS Fogel, JA Anderson, RS Mututua, JK Warutere, IL Siodi, ...
Science 377 (6606), 635-641, 2022
Genome-wide diversity in the California condor tracks its prehistoric abundance and decline
JA Robinson, RCK Bowie, O Dudchenko, EL Aiden, SL Hendrickson, ...
Current Biology 31 (13), 2939-2946. e5, 2021
Using computational simulations to model deleterious variation and genetic load in natural populations
CC Kyriazis, JA Robinson, KE Lohmueller
The American Naturalist 202 (6), 737-752, 2023
Analysis of 100 high-coverage genomes from a pedigreed captive baboon colony
JA Robinson, S Belsare, S Birnbaum, DE Newman, J Chan, JP Glenn, ...
Genome research 29 (5), 848-856, 2019
South Asian medical cohorts reveal strong founder effects and high rates of homozygosity
JD Wall, JF Sathirapongsasuti, R Gupta, A Rasheed, R Venkatesan, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 3377, 2023
Accurate assembly of the olive baboon (Papio anubis) genome using long-read and Hi-C data
SS Batra, M Levy-Sakin, J Robinson, J Guillory, S Durinck, TP Vilgalys, ...
Gigascience 9 (12), giaa134, 2020
High-resolution estimates of crossover and noncrossover recombination from a captive baboon colony
JD Wall, JA Robinson, LA Cox
Genome biology and evolution 14 (4), evac040, 2022
A genome-wide perspective on the persistence of red wolf ancestry in southeastern canids
E Heppenheimer, KE Brzeski, JW Hinton, MJ Chamberlain, J Robinson, ...
Journal of Heredity 111 (3), 277-286, 2020
Evolution of the mutation spectrum across a mammalian phylogeny
AC Beichman, J Robinson, M Lin, A Moreno-Estrada, S Nigenda-Morales, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 40 (10), msad213, 2023
The genomic footprint of whaling and isolation in fin whale populations
SF Nigenda-Morales, M Lin, PG Nuñez-Valencia, CC Kyriazis, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 5465, 2023
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