Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo BR Fry, JCN Raadschelders CQ Press, 2013 | 606 | 2013 |
Public administration: The interdisciplinary study of government JCN Raadschelders Oxford University Press, 2011 | 272 | 2011 |
Trends in the Study of Public Administration: Empirical and Qualitative Observations from Public Administration Review, 2000–2009 JCN Raadschelders, KH Lee Public administration review 71 (1), 19-33, 2011 | 260 | 2011 |
Handbook of administrative history J Raadschelders Routledge, 2017 | 236 | 2017 |
The future of the study of public administration: Embedding research object and methodology in epistemology and ontology JCN Raadschelders Public Administration Review 71 (6), 916-924, 2011 | 225 | 2011 |
Government: A Public Administration Perspective: A Public Administration Perspective JCN Raadschelders Routledge, 2015 | 161 | 2015 |
A coherent framework for the study of public administration JCN Raadschelders Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 9 (2), 281-304, 1999 | 141 | 1999 |
The evolution of civil service systems JCN Raadschelders, MR Rutgers Civil service systems in comparative perspective, 67-99, 1996 | 132 | 1996 |
Understanding government: Four intellectual traditions in the study of public administration JCN Raadschelders Public Administration 86 (4), 925-949, 2008 | 131 | 2008 |
Global dimensions of public administration and governance: A comparative voyage J Raadschelders, E Vigoda-Gadot John Wiley & Sons, 2015 | 118 | 2015 |
Comparative civil service systems in the 21st century FM Van der Meer, J Raadschelders, T Toonen Springer, 2015 | 80 | 2015 |
Beyond ethical codes: The management of integrity in the Netherlands tax and customs administration JAM Van Blijswijk, RCJ Van Breukelen, AL Franklin, JCN Raadschelders, ... Public Administration Review 64 (6), 718-727, 2004 | 80 | 2004 |
Government and public administration: Challenges to and need for connecting knowledge JCN Raadschelders Administrative Theory & Praxis 27 (4), 602-627, 2005 | 72 | 2005 |
Evolution, institutional analysis and path dependency: an administrative-history perspective on fashionable approaches and concepts JCN Raadschelders International Review of Administrative Sciences 64 (4), 565-582, 1998 | 71 | 1998 |
Political‐administrative relations: Impact of and puzzles in aberbach, putnam, and rockman, 1981 KH Lee, JCN Raadschelders Governance 21 (3), 419-438, 2008 | 70 | 2008 |
Public sector reform in Western Europe TAJ Toonen, JCN Raadschelders Proceedings of the Conference on Comparative Civil Service Systems 84, 406-411, 1997 | 57 | 1997 |
Rising to Ostrom’s challenge: an invitation to walk on the bright side of public governance and public service S Douglas, T Schillemans, P ‘t Hart, C Ansell, L Bøgh Andersen, ... Policy Design and Practice 4 (4), 441-451, 2021 | 54 | 2021 |
Taking a closer look at the empowerment‐performance relationship: Evidence from law enforcement organizations S Hassan, J Park, JCN Raadschelders Public Administration Review 79 (3), 427-438, 2019 | 54 | 2019 |
Is American public administration detached from historical context? On the nature of time and the need to understand it in government and its study JCN Raadschelders The American Review of Public Administration 40 (3), 235-260, 2010 | 54 | 2010 |
The waxing and waning of the state and its study: changes and challenges in the study of Public Administration JCN Raadschelders, MR Rutgers The modern state and its study, 17-36, 1999 | 52 | 1999 |