Maître de Conférences, IUT de Saint-Nazaire
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Effects and interactions of temperature and stress-level related damage on permeability of concrete
M Choinska, A Khelidj, G Chatzigeorgiou, G Pijaudier-Cabot
Cement and Concrete Research 37 (1), 79-88, 2007
Assessment of liquid water and gas permeabilities of partially saturated ordinary concrete
ZA Kameche, F Ghomari, M Choinska, A Khelidj
Construction and Building Materials 65, 551-565, 2014
Permeability due to the increase of damage in concrete: From diffuse to localized damage distributions
G Pijaudier-Cabot, F Dufour, M Choinska
Journal of engineering mechanics 135 (9), 1022-1028, 2009
Extraction of a crack opening from a continuous approach using regularized damage models
F Dufour, G Pijaudier-Cabot, M Choinska, A Huerta
Computers and Concrete, an International Journal 5 (4), 375-388, 2008
Effets de la température, du chargement mécanique et de leurs interactions sur la perméabilité du béton de structure
M Choinska
Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN); Université de Nantes, 2006
Meso-scale investigation of failure in the tensile splitting test: Size effect and fracture energy analysis
N Benkemoun, P Poullain, H Al Khazraji, M Choinska, A Khelidj
Engineering fracture mechanics 168, 242-259, 2016
Development of an ultrasonic experimental device to characterise concrete for structural repair
F Benmeddour, G Villain, O Abraham, M Choinska
Construction and Building Materials 37, 934-942, 2012
Comparison between the permeability water and gas permeability of the concretes under the effect of temperature
MBA Houaria, M Abdelkader, C Marta, K Abdelhafid
Energy Procedia 139, 725-730, 2017
DEF damage in heat cured mortars made of recycled concrete sand aggregate
A Yammine, N Leklou, M Choinska, F Bignonnet, JM Mechling
Construction and Building Materials 252, 119059, 2020
Matching permeability law from diffuse damage to discontinuous crack opening
M Choinska, F Dufour, G Pijaudier-Cabot
6th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete …, 2007
Experimental study of the air–steam mixture leakage rate through damaged and partially saturated concrete
S Medjigbodo, M Choinska, JP Regoin, A Loukili, A Khelidj
Materials and structures 49, 843-855, 2016
Mechanical strength and chloride ions’ penetration of alkali-activated concretes (AAC) with blended precursor
P Duży, M Choinska, I Hager, O Amiri, J Claverie
Materials 15 (13), 4475, 2022
3‐D mesoscale simulation of crack‐permeability coupling in the Brazilian splitting test
N Benkemoun, H Al Khazraji, P Poullain, M Choinska, A Khelidj
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2018
Damage and permeability in quasi-brittle materials: from diffuse to localized properties
G Pijaudier-Cabot, M Choinska, F Dufour
Multiscale Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials, 2008
An overview of micro-and nano-dispersion additives for asphalt and bitumen for road construction
K Korniejenko, M Nykiel, M Choinska, A Jexembayeva, M Konkanov, ...
Buildings 13 (12), 2948, 2023
Experimental study of aggregate size effects on mechanical behaviour and permeability of concrete
A Fabien, M Choinska, S Bonnet, A Pertue, A Khelidj
Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. On Microstructure-Related Durability of Cementitious …, 2012
Aggregate size effects on the mechanical behaviour and on the gas permeability at damaged state of cement-based materials with and without slag
A Fabien, M Choinska, S Bonnet, A Pertue, A Khelidj
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 26 (12), 5674-5695, 2022
How to extract a crack opening from a continuous damage finite-element computation?
F Dufour, G Pijaudier-Cabot, M Choinska, A Huerta
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures:, 2007
Coupling between progressive mechanical damage, temperature and permeability of concrete: experimental and numerical study
A Khelidj, M Choinska, G Pijaudier-Cabot, G Chatzigeorgiou
Durability of Reinforced Concrete under Combined Mechanical and Climatic Loads, 2005
Chloride ions’ penetration of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slags-based alkali-activated mortars
P Duży, M Sitarz, M Adamczyk, M Choińska, I Hager
Materials 14 (21), 6583, 2021
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