Christoph Niessen
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Sortition, its advocates and its critics: An empirical analysis of citizens’ and MPs’ support for random selection as a democratic reform proposal
V Jacquet, C Niessen, M Reuchamps
International Political Science Review, 2020
When citizen deliberation enters real politics: how politicians and stakeholders envision the place of a deliberative mini-public in political decision-making
C Niessen
Policy Sciences 52 (3), 481-503, 2019
Institutionalising citizen deliberation in parliament: The permanent citizens’ dialogue in the German-speaking community of Belgium
C Niessen, M Reuchamps
Parliamentary affairs 75 (1), 135-153, 2022
Intercameral relations in a bicameral elected and sortition legislature
PÉ Vandamme, V Jacquet, C Niessen, J Pitseys, M Reuchamps
Politics & Society 46 (3), 381-400, 2018
Designing a Permanent Deliberative Citizens' Assembly. The Ostbelgien Modell in Belgium
C Niessen, M Reuchamps
Working Paper Series of the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global …, 2019
Le dialogue citoyen permanent en Communauté germanophone
C Niessen, M Reuchamps
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 21 (2426), 5-38, 2019
La Communauté germanophone après la sixième réforme de l’État: état des lieux, débats et perspectives
F Bouhon, C Niessen, M Reuchamps
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 21 (2266-2267), 5-71, 2015
Critical Candidates: Elite Attitudes Towards the Functioning of Representative Democracy
C Niessen, N Schiffino, V Jacquet, L Deschamps
Candidates, Parties and Voters in the Belgian Partitocracy, 341-363, 2019
From a green high tide to government participation: the successes of ECOLO and GROEN in the 2019 Belgian elections
M Reuchamps, P Baudewyns, R Dandoy, M Gallina, C Niessen
Environmental Politics 29 (2), 344-348, 2020
More or less regional autonomy? A qualitative analysis of citizen arguments towards (de) centralization in Belgium
M Reuchamps, H Boerjan, C Niessen, F Randour
Comparative European Politics 19 (2), 225-247, 2021
Federalization in the slipstream: How the German‐speaking Community of Belgium became one of the smallest federal entities in the world
C Niessen
Nations and Nationalism 27 (4), 1026-1046, 2021
The Effect of Institutional Affiliation and Career Patterns on (De)centralization Preferences in Advanced Multi-Level States: Parliamentarians’ Support for (De)centralization …
J Dodeigne, C Niessen, M Reuchamps, D Sinardet
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 52 (2), 262-282, 2020
Der permanente Bürgerdialog in der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft
C Niessen, M Reuchamps
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 21 (2426-DE), 5-40, 2019
Les rôles, fonctions et choix politiques des bourgmestres en Wallonie et à Bruxelles
D Verstraete, S Devillers, R Dandoy, J Dodeigne, V Jacquet, C Niessen, ...
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 11 (2376), 5-52, 2018
When Have Dyadic Federations Succeeded and When Have They Failed? A Comparative Analysis of Bipolar Federalism Around the World
C Niessen, M Reuchamps, D Stjepanović, A Habra
Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century, 41-72, 2020
Designing a Permanent Deliberative Dialogue: The Ostbelgien Model in Belguim
C Niessen, M Reuchamps
Centre for Deliberative Democracy & Global Governance: Canberra, Australia, 2019
The Flemish Negative Case: Explaining the Prevalence of Regionalist Demands without Request for an Independence Referendum
J Dodeigne, C Niessen
Fédéralisme Régionalisme 19, online, 2019
24 How do elected officials perceive deliberative citizens’ assemblies?
C Niessen
De Gruyter Handbook of Citizens’ Assemblies, 325-336, 2023
Measuring evolving regional autonomy demands and statutes: introducing the Sub-state Autonomy Scale (SAS)
C Niessen
Regional Studies 56 (9), 1589-1603, 2022
Identités et préférences des parlementaires envers le fédéralisme belge à l’aube d’une septième réforme de l’État
J Dodeigne, C Niessen, M Reuchamps, D Sinardet
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP, 5-62, 2022
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