Christopher J Fell
Christopher J Fell
Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Energy
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Consensus statement for stability assessment and reporting for perovskite photovoltaics based on ISOS procedures
MV Khenkin, EA Katz, A Abate, G Bardizza, JJ Berry, C Brabec, F Brunetti, ...
Nature Energy 5 (1), 35-49, 2020
Organic solar cells: understanding the role of Förster resonance energy transfer
K Feron, WJ Belcher, CJ Fell, PC Dastoor
International journal of molecular sciences 13 (12), 17019-17047, 2012
An inter-laboratory stability study of roll-to-roll coated flexible polymer solar modules
SA Gevorgyan, AJ Medford, E Bundgaard, SB Sapkota, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95 (5), 1398-1416, 2011
Interlaboratory outdoor stability studies of flexible roll-to-roll coated organic photovoltaic modules: Stability over 10,000 h
SA Gevorgyan, MV Madsen, HF Dam, M Jørgensen, CJ Fell, KF Anderson, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 116, 187-196, 2013
Evaluation of photovoltaic panel temperature in realistic scenarios
Y Du, CJ Fell, B Duck, D Chen, K Liffman, Y Zhang, M Gu, Y Zhu
Energy Conversion and Management 108, 60-67, 2016
How reliable are efficiency measurements of perovskite solar cells? The first inter-comparison, between two accredited and eight non-accredited laboratories
RB Dunbar, BC Duck, T Moriarty, KF Anderson, NW Duffy, CJ Fell, J Kim, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (43), 22542-22558, 2017
Understanding and improving solid-state polymer/C60-fullerene bulk-heterojunction solar cells using ternary porphyrin blends
PC Dastoor, CR McNeill, H Frohne, CJ Foster, B Dean, CJ Fell, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (42), 15415-15426, 2007
Spatially resolved photocurrent measurements of organic solar cells: Tracking water ingress at edges and pinholes
K Feron, TJ Nagle, LJ Rozanski, BB Gong, CJ Fell
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 109, 169-177, 2013
An adaptive wind-driven optimization algorithm for extracting the parameters of a single-diode PV cell model
IA Ibrahim, MJ Hossain, BC Duck, CJ Fell
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (2), 1054-1066, 2019
Prospects for solar only operation of the hybrid sulphur cycle for hydrogen production
JT Hinkley, JA O’Brien, CJ Fell, SE Lindquist
International journal of hydrogen energy 36 (18), 11596-11603, 2011
New barrier encapsulation and lifetime assessment of printed organic photovoltaic modules
HC Weerasinghe, D Vak, B Robotham, CJ Fell, D Jones, AD Scully
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 155, 108-116, 2016
Efficiently-cooled plasmonic amorphous silicon solar cells integrated with a nano-coated heat-pipe plate
Y Zhang, Y Du, C Shum, B Cai, NCH Le, X Chen, B Duck, C Fell, Y Zhu, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 24972, 2016
Utilizing energy transfer in binary and ternary bulk heterojunction organic solar cells
K Feron, JM Cave, MN Thameel, C O’Sullivan, R Kroon, MR Andersson, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (32), 20928-20937, 2016
Impact of measured spectrum variation on solar photovoltaic efficiencies worldwide
GS Kinsey, NC Riedel-Lyngskær, AA Miguel, M Boyd, M Braga, C Shou, ...
Renewable Energy 196, 995-1016, 2022
Worldwide outdoor round robin study of organic photovoltaic devices and modules
MV Madsen, SA Gevorgyan, R Pacios, J Ajuria, I Etxebarria, J Kettle, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 130, 281-290, 2014
Effect on cell efficiency following thermal degradation of dye-sensitized mesoporous electrodes using N719 and D5 sensitizers
K Fredin, KF Anderson, NW Duffy, GJ Wilson, CJ Fell, DP Hagberg, L Sun, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (43), 18902-18906, 2009
S.(frank) Liu, YL Loo, JM Luther, et al
MV Khenkin, EA Katz, A Abate, G Bardizza, JJ Berry, C Brabec, F Brunetti, ...
Nat. Energy 5, 35, 2020
Device pre‐conditioning and steady‐state temperature dependence of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells
RB Dunbar, W Moustafa, AR Pascoe, TW Jones, KF Anderson, YB Cheng, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 25 (7), 533-544, 2017
Determining the value of cooling in photovoltaics for enhanced energy yield
BC Duck, CJ Fell, KF Anderson, C Sacchetta, Y Du, Y Zhu
Solar Energy 159, 337-345, 2018
Towards the development of a virtual organic solar cell: An experimental and dynamic Monte Carlo study of the role of charge blocking layers and active layer thickness
K Feron, CJ Fell, LJ Rozanski, BB Gong, N Nicolaidis, WJ Belcher, X Zhou, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (19), 2012
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