James D. M. Speed
James D. M. Speed
Professor, NTNU University Museum, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome
AD Bjorkman, IH Myers-Smith, SC Elmendorf, S Normand, N Rüger, ...
Nature 562 (7725), 57-62, 2018
Climate sensitivity of shrub growth across the tundra biome
IH Myers-Smith, SC Elmendorf, PSA Beck, M Wilmking, M Hallinger, ...
Nature climate change 5 (9), 887-891, 2015
Local temperatures inferred from plant communities suggest strong spatial buffering of climate warming across Northern Europe
J Lenoir, BJ Graae, PA Aarrestad, IG Alsos, WS Armbruster, G Austrheim, ...
Global Change Biology, 2013
Global maps of soil temperature
JJ Lembrechts, J van den Hoogen, J Aalto, MB Ashcroft, P De Frenne, ...
Global change biology 28 (9), 3110-3144, 2022
Stay or go–how topographic complexity influences alpine plant population and community responses to climate change
BJ Graae, V Vandvik, WS Armbruster, WL Eiserhardt, JC Svenning, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 30, 41-50, 2018
Experimental evidence for herbivore limitation of the treeline
JDM Speed, G Austrheim, AJ Hester, A Mysterud
Ecology 91 (11), 3414-3420, 2010
SoilTemp: A global database of near‐surface temperature
JJ Lembrechts, J Aalto, MB Ashcroft, P De Frenne, M Kopecký, J Lenoir, ...
Global change biology 26 (11), 6616-6629, 2020
What are the impacts of reindeer/caribou (Rangifer tarandus L.) on arctic and alpine vegetation? A systematic review
C Bernes, KA Bråthen, BC Forbes, JDM Speed, J Moen
Environmental Evidence 4, 1-26, 2015
The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx)
AH Halbritter, HJ De Boeck, AE Eycott, S Reinsch, DA Robinson, S Vicca, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (1), 22-37, 2020
Elevational advance of alpine plant communities is buffered by herbivory
JDM Speed, G Austrheim, AJ Hester, A Mysterud
Journal of Vegetation Science 23 (4), 617-625, 2012
Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome
HJD Thomas, AD Bjorkman, IH Myers-Smith, SC Elmendorf, J Kattge, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1351, 2020
What is the influence of a reduction of planktivorous and benthivorous fish on water quality in temperate eutrophic lakes? A systematic review
C Bernes, SR Carpenter, A Gårdmark, P Larsson, L Persson, C Skov, ...
Environmental Evidence 4, 1-28, 2015
Sheep grazing in the North Atlantic region: A long-term perspective on environmental sustainability
LC Ross, G Austrheim, LJ Asheim, G Bjarnason, J Feilberg, AM Fosaa, ...
Ambio 45, 551-566, 2016
Tundra Trait Team: A database of plant traits spanning the tundra biome
AD Bjorkman, IH Myers‐Smith, SC Elmendorf, S Normand, HJD Thomas, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (12), 1402-1411, 2018
Plant community properties predict vegetation resilience to herbivore disturbance in the Arctic
JDM Speed, EJ Cooper, IS Jónsdóttir, R Van Der Wal, SJ Woodin
Journal of Ecology 98 (5), 1002-1013, 2010
Growth limitation of mountain birch caused by sheep browsing at the altitudinal treeline
JDM Speed, G Austrheim, AJ Hester, A Mysterud
Forest ecology and management 261 (7), 1344-1352, 2011
Traditional plant functional groups explain variation in economic but not size‐related traits across the tundra biome
HJD Thomas, IH Myers‐Smith, AD Bjorkman, SC Elmendorf, D Blok, ...
Global ecology and biogeography 28 (2), 78-95, 2019
The response of plant diversity to grazing varies along an elevational gradient
JDM Speed, G Austrheim, A Mysterud
Journal of Ecology 101 (5), 1225-1236, 2013
Predicting habitat utilization and extent of ecosystem disturbance by an increasing herbivore population
JDM Speed, SJ Woodin, H Tømmervik, MP Tamstorf, R Van Der Wal
Ecosystems 12, 349-359, 2009
Species data for understanding biodiversity dynamics: The what, where and when of species occurrence data collection
TK Petersen, JDM Speed, V Grøtan, G Austrheim
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2 (1), e12048, 2021
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