Arjen Leerkes
Arjen Leerkes
Professorial fellow UNU-Merit / Maastricht University and Associate
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Transnational involvement and social integration
E Snel, G Engbersen, A Leerkes
Global networks 6 (3), 285-308, 2006
On the differential attachments of migrants from Central and Eastern Europe: A typology of labour migration
G Engbersen, A Leerkes, I Grabowska-Lusinska, E Snel, J Burgers
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39 (6), 959-981, 2013
A case of mixed motives?: Formal and informal functions of administrative immigration detention
A Leerkes, D Broeders
The British Journal of Criminology 50 (5), 830-850, 2010
A room with a view: Irregular immigrants in the legal capital of the world
G Engbersen, M Van San, A Leerkes
Ethnography 7 (2), 209-242, 2006
What drives ‘soft deportation’? Understanding the rise in Assisted Voluntary Return among rejected asylum seekers in the Netherlands
A Leerkes, R van Os, E Boersema
Population, Space and Place 23 (8), e2059, 2017
Irregular Migration, Trafficking and Smuggling of Human Beings: Policy Dilemmas in the EU. CEPS Paperback, 22 February 2016
E Guild, S Carrera, J Allsopp, R Andrijasevic, M Collyer, A Dimitriadi, ...
Criminaliteit en criminalisering: allochtone jongeren in België
M Van San, A Leerkes
Amsterdam University Press, 2001
Shadow places: Patterns of spatial concentration and incorporation of irregular immigrants in the Netherlands
A Leerkes, G Engbersen, M Van San
Urban Studies 44 (8), 1491-1516, 2007
Illegal residence and public safety in the Netherlands
A Leerkes
Amsterdam University Press, 2009
Crime among irregular immigrants and the influence of internal border control
A Leerkes, G Engbersen, J Van der Leun
Crime, Law and Social Change 58, 15-38, 2012
Borders behind the border: An exploration of state-level differences in migration control and their effects on US migration patterns
A Leerkes, M Leach, J Bachmeier
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 38 (1), 111-129, 2012
Beyond the deportation regime: Differential state interests and capacities in dealing with (non-) deportability in Europe
A Leerkes, M Van Houte
Citizenship Studies 24 (3), 319-338, 2020
The intra-EU mobility regime: Differentiation, stratification and contradictions
G Engbersen, A Leerkes, P Scholten, E Snel
Migration Studies 5 (3), 337-355, 2017
Geen tijd verliezen
G Engbersen, J Dagevos, R Jennissen, L Bakker, A Leerkes, J Klaver, ...
WRR, 2015
Playing hard (er) to get: The state, international couples, and the income requirement
A Leerkes, I Kulu-Glasgow
European Journal of Migration and Law 13 (1), 95-121, 2011
Back to the poorhouse? Social protection and social control of unauthorised immigrants in the shadow of the welfare state
A Leerkes
Journal of European Social Policy 26 (2), 140-154, 2016
Local limits to migration control: Practices of selective migration policing in a restrictive national policy context
A Leerkes, M Varsanyi, G Engbersen
Police Quarterly 15 (4), 446-475, 2012
Arbeidsmigratie in vieren. Bulgaren en Roemenen vergeleken met Polen.
G Engbersen, A Leerkes, M Ilies, E Snel, R Meij
Wijken voor illegalen. Over ruimtelijke spreiding, huisvesting en leefbaarheid
A Leerkes, M van San, G Engbersen, M Cruijff, P van der Heijden
Pressured into a preference to leave? A study on the “specific” deterrent effects and perceived legitimacy of immigration detention
A Leerkes, M Kox
Law & Society Review 51 (4), 895-929, 2017
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