Yi-Hung Kuo
Yi-Hung Kuo
Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, UCLA
Email yang diverifikasi di atmos.ucla.edu
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Undular bore theory for the Gardner equation
AM Kamchatnov, YH Kuo, TC Lin, TL Horng, SC Gou, R Clift, GA El, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (3 …, 2012
Process-oriented evaluation of climate and weather forecasting models
ED Maloney, A Gettelman, Y Ming, JD Neelin, D Barrie, A Mariotti, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (9), 1665-1686, 2019
Tropical convective transition statistics and causality in the water vapor-precipitation relation
YH Kuo, JD Neelin, CR Mechoso
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 74 (3), 915-931, 2017
Precipitation extremes and water vapor: Relationships in current climate and implications for climate change
JD Neelin, C Martinez-Villalobos, SN Stechmann, F Ahmed, G Chen, ...
Current Climate Change Reports 8 (1), 17-33, 2022
Convective transition statistics over tropical oceans for climate model diagnostics: Observational baseline
YH Kuo, KA Schiro, JD Neelin
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 75 (5), 1553-1570, 2018
Environmental controls on tropical mesoscale convective system precipitation intensity
KA Schiro, SC Sullivan, YH Kuo, H Su, P Gentine, GS Elsaesser, JH Jiang, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 77 (12), 4233-4249, 2020
Convective transition statistics over tropical oceans for climate model diagnostics: GCM evaluation
YH Kuo, JD Neelin, CC Chen, WT Chen, LJ Donner, A Gettelman, X Jiang, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 77 (1), 379-403, 2020
Transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over topography: analysis of the forced Gardner equation
AM Kamchatnov, YH Kuo, TC Lin, TL Horng, SC Gou, R Clift, GA El, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 736, 495-531, 2013
Exploratory precipitation metrics: Spatiotemporal characteristics, process-oriented, and phenomena-based
LR Leung, WR Boos, JL Catto, C A. DeMott, GM Martin, JD Neelin, ...
Journal of Climate 35 (12), 3659-3686, 2022
Process-oriented diagnostics: Principles, practice, community development, and common standards
JD Neelin, JP Krasting, A Radhakrishnan, J Liptak, T Jackson, Y Ming, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 104 (8), E1452-E1468, 2023
Benefits of a closely-spaced satellite constellation of atmospheric polarimetric radio occultation measurements
FJ Turk, R Padullés, CO Ao, MT Juárez, KN Wang, GW Franklin, ST Lowe, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (20), 2399, 2019
Conditions for convective deep inflow
YH Kuo, JD Neelin
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (20), e2022GL100552, 2022
Identifying the Deep‐Inflow Mixing Features in Orographically‐Locked Diurnal Convection
YH Chang, WT Chen, CM Wu, YH Kuo, JD Neelin
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (10), e2023GL103107, 2023
Evaluating tropical precipitation relations in CMIP6 models with ARM data
T Emmenegger, YH Kuo, S Xie, C Zhang, C Tao, JD Neelin
Journal of Climate 35 (19), 6343-6360, 2022
How Close Are Leading Tropical Tropospheric Temperature Perturbations to Those under Convective Quasi Equilibrium?
YX Li, JD Neelin, YH Kuo, HH Hsu, JY Yu
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 79 (9), 2307-2321, 2022
The physics behind precipitation onset bias in CMIP6 models: the pseudo-entrainment diagnostic and trade-offs between lapse rate and humidity
T Emmenegger, F Ahmed, YH Kuo, S Xie, C Zhang, C Tao, JD Neelin
Journal of Climate 37 (6), 2013-2033, 2024
The role of surface potential vorticity in the vertical structure of mesoscale eddies in wind-driven ocean circulations
W Zhang, SM Griffies, RW Hallberg, YH Kuo, L Christopher, P Wolfe
Journal of Physical Oceanography 54 (6), 1243–1266, 2024
Global tropical precipitation relationships to free-tropospheric water vapor using radio occultations
R Padullés, YH Kuo, JD Neelin, FJ Turk, CO Ao, M De la Torre Juárez
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 79 (6), 1585-1600, 2022
Anelastic Convective Entities. Part 1: Formulation and implication for nighttime convection
YH Kuo, JD Neelin
Authorea Preprints, 2024
Anelastic Convective Entities. Part 2: Adjustment processes and convective cold top
YH Kuo, JD Neelin
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