Iran Ferreira Silva
Iran Ferreira Silva
Doutorado em Andamento, LCCQS/LQQC-UFPB
Email yang diverifikasi di academico.ufpb.br
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Random Lasing at Localization Transition in a Colloidal Suspension (TiO2@Silica)
E Jiménez-Villar, IF da Silva, V Mestre, NU Wetter, C Lopez, ...
Acs Omega 2 (6), 2415-2421, 2017
Anderson localization of light in a colloidal suspension (TiO 2@ silica)
E Jimenez-Villar, IF da Silva, V Mestre, PC de Oliveira, WM Faustino, ...
Nanoscale 8 (21), 10938-10946, 2016
Experimental and theoretical investigations of the [Ln (β-dik)(NO3) 2 (phen) 2]⋅ H2O luminescent complexes
PRS Santos, DKS Pereira, IF Costa, IF Silva, HF Brito, WM Faustino, ...
Journal of Luminescence 226, 117455, 2020
Enhancing the luminescence of Eu (III) complexes with the ruthenocene organometallic unit as ancillary ligand
JL Moura, IF Costa, PRS Santos, IF Silva, RT Moura Jr, AN Carneiro Neto, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 61 (34), 13510-13524, 2022
Complexos de isotiocianatos de lantanídeos com quelantes aromáticos: supressão da luminescência mediada pela transferência de energia tripleto-estado de transferência de carga
IFS Silva
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2015
Why are the luminescent properties of the mononuclear and binuclear Eu/Tb-2-hydroxybenzoate complexes with 1, 10-phenanthroline so different? An experimental-theoretical study
ES Vasconcelos, RHM Galdino, IF Silva, RBP Pesci, VM Deflon, ...
Journal of Luminescence 272, 120648, 2024
Avaliação da Exposição Ocupacional a Solventes e a Material Particulado em Procedimentos de Repintura
GC Diniz, IF Silva, AS Félix, HL Menezes, APF Freitas, GS Cerqueira, ...
RevInter Rev Intertox de Toxicologia, Risco Amb e Socied.[periódico na …, 2013
A doença de Chagas em motoristas de táxi na cidade de Uberlândia
IF da Silva, LCM de Oliveira, AC da Silva, A Rocha, JR Mineo, ...
Arq. bras. cardiol 42 (6), 403-406, 1984
Luminescence in Ln3+ dipivaloylmethanate complexes: Spectroscopic and theoretical investigation on the energy transfer and LMCT state
JG Arruda, IF Silva, WM Faustino, IF Costa, HF Brito, ANC Neto, C Näther, ...
Polyhedron 267, 117313, 2025
Structural and spectroscopic properties of lanthanide coordination polymer (Ln-CPs) with N-phthaloylglycinates and N-(2-carboxybenzoyl) glycinate
IF Costa, JG Arruda, IVS Oliveira, TMA Martins, IF Silva, WM Faustino, ...
Anais, 2024
073—(SIQ0095) Effects of pentoxifylline on the concentrations of glucose in plasma after induction of seizures by pilocarpine in rats
RMP Siqueira, ALC Cavalcante, IBF Calou, GS Cerqueira, DO Golçalves, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 38, 213-214, 2014
Meeting academic needs for mobility students
I Silva, I Oliveira
Chagas' disease in taxi drivers in the city of Uberlandia
IF da Silva, LC de Oliveira, AC da Silva, A Rocha, JR Mineo, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 42 (6), 403-406, 1984
Modeling Lifetimes of Excited States in Mixed Coordination Compounds of Eu³⁺ and Tb³⁺
IF Silva, RHM Galdino, ES Vasconcelos, EES Teotonio, OL Malta, ...
Synthesis and study of the photoluminescent properties of new β-dicetonate components of the Eu3+ ion with the ligand fg2ap
APR Queiroga, IF Silva, BF Lira, WM Faustino
Fermented Milk Drinks Produced with Sheep's Milk and the Impact of Physicochemical Differences on Sensory Perception
IF Silva, AN dos Santos, IM Costa, JEG Gomes, C Penna, MR de Souza, ...
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