Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Francesco MocciaPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 10
Histamine induces intracellular Ca2+ oscillations and nitric oxide release in endothelial cells from brain microvascular circulation
R Berra‐Romani, P Faris, G Pellavio, M Orgiu, S Negri, G Forcaia, ...
Journal of Cellular Physiology 235 (2), 1515-1530, 2020
Mandat: Government of Italy
NMDA receptors elicit flux-independent intracellular Ca2+ signals via metabotropic glutamate receptors and flux-dependent nitric oxide release in human brain microvascular …
S Negri, P Faris, C Maniezzi, G Pellavio, P Spaiardi, L Botta, U Laforenza, ...
Cell Calcium 99, 102454, 2021
Mandat: Government of Italy
Endothelial signaling at the core of neurovascular coupling: The emerging role of endothelial inward-rectifier K+ (Kir2. 1) channels and N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors in the …
S Negri, P Faris, T Soda, F Moccia
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology 135, 105983, 2021
Mandat: Government of Italy
Endolysosomal Ca2+ signaling in cardiovascular health and disease
S Negri, P Faris, F Moccia
International review of cell and molecular biology 363, 203-269, 2021
Mandat: Government of Italy
Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate activates two‐pore channel TPC1 to mediate lysosomal Ca2+ release in endothelial colony‐forming cells
F Moccia, E Zuccolo, F Di Nezza, G Pellavio, PS Faris, S Negri, A De Luca, ...
Journal of Cellular Physiology 236 (1), 688-705, 2021
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Italy
Nitroso-redox balance and modulation of basal myocardial function: an update from the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Research (SIRC)
C G. Tocchetti, M Molinaro, T Angelone, V Lionetti, R Madonna, ...
Current Drug Targets 16 (8), 895-903, 2015
Mandat: Government of Italy
A bidirectional crosstalk between glioblastoma and brain endothelial cells potentiates the angiogenic and proliferative signaling of sphingosine-1-phosphate in the glioblastoma …
LA Hadi, V Anelli, L Guarnaccia, S Navone, M Beretta, F Moccia, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids …, 2018
Mandat: Government of Italy
Targeting endothelial ion signalling to rescue cerebral blood flow in cerebral disorders
F Moccia, S Negri, P Faris, T Angelone
Vascular pharmacology 145, 106997, 2022
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Italy
Optical excitation of organic semiconductors as a highly selective strategy to induce vascular regeneration and tissue repair
F Moccia, S Negri, P Faris, C Ronchi, F Lodola
Vascular Pharmacology 144, 106998, 2022
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Italy
Systemic lupus erythematosus, endothelial progenitor cells and intracellular Ca2+ signaling: A novel approach for an old disease
K Komici, P Faris, S Negri, V Rosti, M García-Carrasco, C Mendoza-Pinto, ...
Journal of Autoimmunity 112, 102486, 2020
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Italy
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 67
Differential clinical effects of different mutation subtypes in CALR-mutant myeloproliferative neoplasms
D Pietra, E Rumi, VV Ferretti, CA Di Buduo, C Milanesi, C Cavalloni, ...
Leukemia 30 (2), 431-438, 2016
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo, Government of Italy
COVID-19-associated cardiovascular morbidity in older adults: a position paper from the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Researches
F Moccia, A Gerbino, V Lionetti, M Miragoli, LM Munaron, P Pagliaro, ...
Geroscience 42 (4), 1021-1049, 2020
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Italy
Endothelial Ca2+ Signaling, Angiogenesis and Vasculogenesis: Just What It Takes to Make a Blood Vessel
F Moccia, S Negri, M Shekha, P Faris, G Guerra
International journal of molecular sciences 20 (16), 3962, 2019
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Italy
Endothelial Transient Receptor Potential Channels and Vascular Remodeling: Extracellular Ca2 + Entry for Angiogenesis, Arteriogenesis and Vasculogenesis
S Negri, P Faris, R Berra-Romani, G Guerra, F Moccia
Frontiers in Physiology 10, 1618, 2020
Mandat: Government of Italy
Hydrogen sulfide and endothelial dysfunction: relationship with nitric oxide
Z Altaany, F Moccia, L Munaron, D Mancardi, R Wang
Current medicinal chemistry 21 (32), 3646-3661, 2014
Mandat: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Government of Italy
A novel Ca2+-mediated cross-talk between endoplasmic reticulum and acidic organelles: Implications for NAADP-dependent Ca2+ signalling
V Ronco, DM Potenza, F Denti, S Vullo, G Gagliano, M Tognolina, ...
Cell calcium 57 (2), 89-100, 2015
Mandat: Fondazione Telethon, Italy, Government of Italy
The importance of calcium in the regulation of megakaryocyte function
CA Di Buduo, F Moccia, M Battiston, L De Marco, M Mazzucato, R Moratti, ...
Haematologica 99 (4), 769, 2014
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health, Fondazione Cariplo, Government of Italy
Endothelial progenitor cells support tumour growth and metastatisation: implications for the resistance to anti-angiogenic therapy
F Moccia, E Zuccolo, V Poletto, M Cinelli, E Bonetti, G Guerra, V Rosti
Tumor Biology 36, 6603-6614, 2015
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
Reactivating endogenous mechanisms of cardiac regeneration via paracrine boosting using the human amniotic fluid stem cell secretome
C Balbi, K Lodder, A Costa, S Moimas, F Moccia, T van Herwaarden, ...
International journal of cardiology 287, 87-95, 2019
Mandat: European Commission, Dutch Heart Foundation, Government of Italy
Conjugated polymers optically regulate the fate of endothelial colony-forming cells
F Lodola, V Rosti, G Tullii, A Desii, L Tapella, P Catarsi, D Lim, F Moccia, ...
Science advances 5 (9), eaav4620, 2019
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Italy
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