Venkata Swamy Martha
Venkata Swamy Martha
Software Engineer Manager @ Amazon
Email yang diverifikasi di ualr.edu - Beranda
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Pscan: a parallel structural clustering algorithm for big networks in mapreduce
W Zhao, V Martha, X Xu
2013 IEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2013
h-MapReduce: a framework for workload balancing in MapReduce
VS Martha, W Zhao, X Xu
2013 IEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2013
SafeChat: A tool to shield children's communication from explicit messages
G Fahrnberger, D Nayak, VS Martha, S Ramaswamy
2014 14th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services …, 2014
A study on Twitter user-follower network: A network based analysis
VS Martha, W Zhao, X Xu
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2013
Constructing a robust protein-protein interaction network by integrating multiple public databases
VS Martha, Z Liu, L Guo, Z Su, Y Ye, H Fang, D Ding, W Tong, X Xu
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-10, 2011
Adaptive scheduling in the cloud-SLA for Hadoop job scheduling
D Nayak, VS Martha, D Threm, S Ramaswamy, S Prince, G Fahrnberger
2015 Science and Information Conference (SAI), 832-837, 2015
Supporting location information privacy in mobile devices
D Nayak, MV Swamy, S Ramaswamy
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 9th International Conference …, 2013
System, method, and non-transitory computer-readable storage media for monitoring consumer activity on websites
VS Martha, A Gattani
US Patent 9,843,643, 2017
Cbpm: Context based privacy model
M VenkataSwamy, S Ramaswamy, N Agarwal
2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing, 1050-1055, 2010
Secured networking by sandboxing LINUX 2.6
H Mohanty, MV Swamy, P Thilak, S Ramaswamy
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2009. SMC 2009. IEEE International Conference …, 2009
Fast information retrieval and social network mining via cosine similarity upper bound
W Zhao, VS Martha, G Chen, X Xu
2013 International Conference on Social Computing, 940-943, 2013
Big data processing algorithms
VS Martha
Big Data: A Primer, 61-91, 2015
Enhancing privacy using community driven recommendations: An investigation with facebook data
M VenkataSwamy, N Agarwal, S Ramaswamy
C-CBPM: collective context based privacy model
S Venakata Swamy, M. and Agarwal, Nitin and Ramaswamy
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 5, 881-895, 2014
GraphStore: A distributed graph storage system for big data networks
VS Martha
University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2013
Translating security policy to executable code for sandboxing linux kernel
H Mohanty, M VenkataSwamy, S Ramaswamy, RK Shyamasundar
2009 Third UKSim European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 124-129, 2009
Web Service Engineering
ML Venkata Swamy Martha
Web Services Theory and Practice, 173-196, 2018
Interactive Tool to Find Focal Spots in Human Computer Interfaces in eCommerce: eCommerce Consumer Analytics Tool (eCCAT)
VS Martha, Z Wang, A Jiang, S Varghese
HCI International 2015-Posters’ Extended Abstracts: International Conference …, 2015
Enhancing Privacy in Online Social Communities: Can Trust Help Mitigate Privacy Risks?
VS Martha, N Agarwal, S Ramaswamy
International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology …, 2014
Enhancing Privacy in Online Social Communities: Can Trust Help Mitigate Privacy
VS Martha, N Agarwal, S Ramaswamy
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 10th International Conference …, 2014
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